How to Stop Beating Yourself Up and Heal Your Life

How to Stop Beating Yourself Up and Heal Your Life
Julie Doherty Naturopathic Physician Mount Gambier, South Australia

My Commitment and Dedication - Is to provide Evidence Based Guidance and Support that will enable you to Build a Firm Foundation to Master a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness, Vitality and the Best Quality. Beginning with the Key Essence to Build a Brilliant Mind. How Fuelling your mind to positive changes, understanding... more

Life is full of choices, decisions, challenging moments, and, guess what: Mistakes!

I am sure you have noticed this. None of us are free from this or will escape these perils of life.

The secret comes in learning to accept this, and to understand: To learn to let go, release painful experiences, allowing yourself to find joy, happiness, and peace.

When you stop beating yourself up for your mistakes, and feelings of despair, sorrow, anger, and bitterness, you will then allow yourself to stop beating other people up for their mistakes.

The only way you can change your world is one step at a time and by spending time learning to love the person you are.

As your level of awareness changes, so does your perspective. There will always be good things and bad things happening in your life, and also within the world.

When you become aware of this, then look at the positive changes that have come about, as well as the positive things that do take place.

Your perspective changes, bringing to your awareness that it is possible to bring about positive experiences in your life and in your world. 

How this will change your world

To live a life of optimal health, to be and feel happy within yourself and the life you are living, it is important to be aware that the journey of your life's path is in understanding and bringing about healing to your inner self.

I have been a Naturopathic Practitioner Massage Therapist for over 27 years. In my journey, I learned that in order to help people to heal, I first had to engage in my healing journey of life.

Every day I work towards helping people to regain their self-esteem, to value who they truly are and what they truly have within their lives.

I teach people how to understand the inner feelings to overcome painful experiences, difficult times, emotional disturbances, and traumatic situations.

Uncovering these core foundations of your makeup enables me to then help people to be happy, healthy, and to have a sense of peace and balance with life.

It is this clear picture that then gives me a clear picture as to what herbs, homoeopathics, treatments, and lifestyle changes that will support this healing process.

Understanding and facing emotional issues is vitally important in regaining the ability to be assertive in knowing what you want and how you want to be. Having a clear path of confidence and a belief that you have what it takes to put into place new habits and changes to bring about the life you desire.

The privilege throughout my years of practice to have people sharing their fears, terrible and terrifying experiences has helped me with a clearer understanding of what brings about ill health and disease. By working to encourage, empower and teach ways of improving their inner strengths, acknowledging their weaknesses with the understanding that everyone has these, this will then improve their level of self-esteem and an understanding of their core gifts and talents, bringing about true joy and happiness.

To truly be able to love others and to make a positive difference to your part of the world, it is important to first heal yourself and then you will heal your life. The better that you feel about yourself, the better you will feel and behave toward other people.

Once you let go of emotional wounds and angry or harmful thoughts, less drama will come into your life and you will feel happier and more peaceful with your life.

Learning to take great care of yourself in every way is a beautiful place to start to bring about happiness, health, balance, and loving and caring relationships.

Here is the link to the full article and the 12 Steps to Self Care: