Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.
- Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
- SUNY Downstate Medical Center
- Not accepting new patients
Empathy, Sympathy, Disability, and Death
The role and fate of the physician or healer in times of war have been continually unclear. Left to the discretion of authoritarian regimes that role has always become an agent...
Christmas and Disability
Anxiety and depression run rampant during the holiday seasons. For those still active in the labor force, office parties and shows of camaraderie are required despite prevailing...
The Profit Motive and Human Nature, Its Denial isn't Healthy
We have passed a week where gunfire has claimed more than 30 lives nationwide. This occurred just after Congress mostly based on the Republican house struck down an attempt to...
The Deserving Poor. Who Are They? What is the Definition of Deserving?
I have been thinking about the meaning of these things since having my gift of a purely functioning recliner deemed unacceptable because of a patch and having a price assigned...
Darwin, Wallace, and The Gophers
We have recently suffered an invasion of critters. As we have retreated inside because of heat, dust, pollen, and COVID, the birds, ants, and vermin have taken over patios, roofs,...
Authoritarianism Threatens Mental Health and Fitness
As the world situation becomes more perilous, the world's most successful democracy is reeling from internal divisiveness.  ProPublica's expose of the Supreme Court has resulted...
Hate and Mental Illness
The state of Maine has been terrorized by an individual who has a history of mental illness. This person was diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and was apparently...
Eyeless in Gaza
Samson was bemused and betrayed by Delilah according to the Old Testament but regained his strength to bring down the temple of false Gods because his fundamental Jewish identity...
SARS COVID-2, COVID-19 Variants and the Future
The survival of the fittest is a Darwin/Wallace principle that has been engaged for over one hundred years. It has enveloped climate change, evolution, and natural selection....
Kindness to Others and Mental Health
I reported the death of a handsome coyote either from a snake bite or by ingestion of a rat killed by a pesticide. It took three weeks to get the rotting malodorous carcass out...
Wake, Woke, Civil War and the elderly.
Amid the distress of high pollen counts,bad air quality and the highest temperatures experienced by homo sapiens or any living creatures plant or animal,we the people are being...
Medical Tourism in Years Gone By Versus Today
With apologies for the problem of old age, I remember a scene of a monstrous crime involving an individual who sold both of his kidneys and who survived briefly with crude charcoal...
Medical Tourism Revisited with the Addition of Mega Gangs and Culture Wars
A group of 4 from South Carolina traveled to Matamoros. Mexico by way of Brownsville Texas to obtain cosmetic surgery for the matriarch of the group who is 50. They ran afoul...
Black History Month and Identity Perversion Black and Brown Views of the Mental Health Crisis
We are told of the collapse of the existing mental health service non-system throughout our 50 states and our territories. This collapse is accomplished by the upsurge in shootings...
The 39th President and hospice care.
The only President that I met, shook hands with spoke with briefly and whose expectations I could not possibly meet (see the Chinese circle of life in a much earlier blog) has...
A one-half million dollar miss? Does it redefine the deserving poor?
The scaling up of weaponry assistance to Ukraine is coming under scrutiny as supertankers and rockets bring NATO members and potential applicants closer to the 2% of GPD that is...
Chinese Weather Balloon or Spy ship? American Musketry
The Chinese balloon that traveled a long way to mysteriously end up in surveillance range of U. S. classified military installations has been shot down within a 12-mile radius...
News and Health
The relationship between news and health seems to depend on factors on both sides of the equation. News availability has been rocketed by the worldwide internet. Countries which...
Classification and Personally. Is psychopathology ever involved?
I was recently told that there was no need for up-to-date spyware since everything was already hacked. With the number of notifications offering restitution as part of class action,...
Racism, Health, and Mental Health
The brutal beating of Tyre Nichols resulting in his death can't be ignored. Have we not evolved since the brutal beating of Rodney King some thirty years ago? Why can't we all...