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Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.


Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.
69 years Experience
Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.
Specializes in:
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Public Health
  • Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
  • SUNY Downstate Medical Center
  • Not accepting new patients

Gun Control, Mind Control, Cult Control, and the Merchant of Malice

Following closely on the heels of the sixth of January, the latest incidents of probably (at least in part, if not wholly) racially motivated mass shootings in San Diego and Boulder,...

Saints Days, Spring Break, and Covid-19

St. Patrick's Day, St. Joseph's Day, Collegiate Spring Break, and Easter are all supplying ample opportunity for bored and beleaguered Americans to throw caution to the winds...

SARS and Cynicism

The Covid Relief Act is finally the law of the land having survived by virtue of the so-called nuclear option with the deciding vote cast by Kamala Harris ex officio the vice presidency...

SARS-CoV-2, B117, and What Have You Done For Me Lately?

The optimism that perhaps justifiably accompanied the deployment of new supplies of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and the arrival of Johnson & Johnson's one-shot vaccine coupled...

SARS-CoV-2, Biden/Harris, Celebrity Status, and The Rule of Law

Close to 30 million documented infections, 501,000 deaths, evidence of deadly new variants which may evade current vaccines, lack of sufficient vaccines, varying state and county...

Black History Month and SARS-CoV-2

We are almost to the end of Black History Month and post-presidential election America finds itself as divided as was the case in 1871. Systemic racism has been identified in...

Youth Must Be Served, Even In Covid-19 Time? Maybe The Old Testament Was Wrong

Bill Maher and Alexa bet against Tom Terrific and his buddies including #87 Rob Gronkowski. The secret of course is that #12 represents the western cowboy ideal; working for...

Covid-19, the NFL, and Racial Norming

As the struggle for the soul of America heats up following the enormity of January sixth and the related struggle for the physical and mental health of Americans against SARS-CoV-2 shows...

Scam, Fraud, and Ethical Concerns in the Age of the Merchant of Malice (formerly POTUS) and SARS Pandemic

This post is in acknowledgment of the particular vulnerability of the elderly but is also in recognition of the intrapsychic stress associated with SARS-CoV-2 sheltering, distancing,...

Covid Rages on as the Merchant of Malice Departs for Mar-a-Lago

The number of reported cases of SARS-CoV-2 is now well above 400,000 and is expected to exceed one half million by the end of February. The production of vaccines with the necessary...

Covid-19 Rages as Troops Bivouac on Capitol Hill

There are six days remaining in the Trump Presidency as MOM is impeached by the House of Representatives for the second time. Close to 400,000 U. S. deaths of SARS origin have...

Covid-19 Pandemic Mismanagement's Connection To Capitol Invasion

Five people are dead as a result of MOM (aka POTUS) inspired and spiritually led rioting and sedition at the nation's core of government. There is no question that the President...

Sedition, Revolt, Coup, and Covid-19

As the number of Americans dying from SARS-CoV-2 accelerates and ICU bed availability disappears, 18 million confirmed cases have been documented nationwide. The neglect of the...

SARS-CoV-2 vs Biden/Harris Continued

There have been 309,000 deaths with 2 Americans dying every 50 seconds. We have 18% of world mortality and infectivity statistics while only 4% of the world population. A mutation...

16.4 Million Cases, 300,072 Deaths From SARS-CoV-2 Virus Overshadow Federal Executions

Covid-19 vaccines are on the way to both coasts via USPS & FedEx jets. In the absence of federal coordinated instructions, distributions are up to the states, in some areas...

Coronavirus Vaccine Dilemmas

The FDA is considering approval of the Pfizer vaccine for emergency use in the USA amid reports of adverse reactions in a few people with allergen hypersensitivity in the U. K....

Pandemic and Epidemic Variations on an Electoral Theme: Martyrs Beware

Yesterday was HIV remembrance day. Reminding us of the terror of the 1980s, and that pandemic etiologic agent is still around but controlled by science not euphemism, and linkable...

Covid-19, Biden/Harris vs Trump/Pence and 60 Days of Structural Damage With Orders That Shouldn't Be Obeyed

With the Covid epidemic surging wildly across the world and infectivity/death rates highest in the USA, MOM (aka POTUS) is busily exploring pardons with self and family first and...

Covid-19 Is Winning The Battle With Mankind

There have been 250,000 deaths and 12 million cases of Covid-19 in the USA.  The Biden transition team is being denied access to the current coronavirus task force and in the foot...

Relief From Election Results As Covid Rages On

More than 150,000 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in a 24 hour period. Some 7 million cases exist in the USA and some quarter-million have died. Fall and winter were predicted...