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Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.


Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.
68 years Experience
Dr. Claudewell S. Thomas, M.D.
Specializes in:
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Public Health
  • Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
  • SUNY Downstate Medical Center
  • Not accepting new patients

Wuhan isn't Nineveh

WHO has decided that the coronavirus pandemic in Wuhan and at least five and probably eight other Chinese cities is an epidemic in China, an evolving epidemic worldwide and a global...

Coronavirus Follow Up

The number of cases of the Wuhan strain of coronavirus showing up around the world is increasing geometrically. At least 1000 cases are reported, unofficially, because of the...

R.I.P. Kobe & Follow Up on the Corona Virus from Wuhan

The death of Kobe Bryant and his daughter along with seven others reminds us of the risks involved with technology. Why a commercial helicopter was flying in weather that had...

The Blue Planet Strikes Back?

The United Nations General Assembly adopting the recommendations of the World Health Organization, has announced through its Scandinavian female leader, a commitment to three hundred...

Septicemia and Infectious Disease

As has been mentioned, Torrance Memorial Hospital sent out an excellent discussion of septicemia in its Advantage newsletter. It is clear that the management of this entity in...

Disquieting Random News

It must be that your basic mindset substantially affects what comes to your mind as well as what you do with the information. Ostensibly random reading and TV, excluding war talk,...

Adaptation and Survival: Following up on Ebola, Antibiotic Resistance, and Climate Change

As the earth warms, subjecting areas to fire and flood, Permian frost gives up animal tissue which is being studied for genomic structure which in turn supplies clues to historical...

Antibiotic Resistance, Immune System Evasion and You

Have you seen a doctor or a health care professional recently? Did he or she shake hands? Did he or she inconspicuously or blatantly use hand sanitizer thereafter or washed his...

Antibiotic Resistance and Alzheimer's; A Possible Bane to the Elderly and Immune System Challenge Link to Schizophrenia a Possible Bane to the Young

A special report in the November issue of Psychiatric Times, reported on new findings from prospective studies which were presented at the 2019 Alzheimer's Association International...

Hide and Seek and Your Health

The many threats to our health and well-being (our health equity) encounter our last line of defense, our immune system. Whether the pathogen is a virus, bacterium, fungus, parasite,...

The Law of Unintended Consequences & Ecologic Change

I ended my last post with a hooray for Yale's double overtime win over Harvard on reunion weekend. The post had to do with evolutionary response of living or near living organisms...

Internal Threats to the Future of Homo Sapiens

Biodiversity and population control are the mechanisms employed by living organisms and near living organisms, mostly proteinaceous, to cope with and adapt to ecological change....

Pandemics, Epidemics and the Ecology Continued: With Some Long Overdue Acknowledgements

There are new outbreaks of febrile intestinal illness involving many states east of the Rockies. The CDC indicates packaged vegetable produce from areas involved in prior flooding...

Backtracking Homo Sapiens into the Future

As we try to control global warming and environmental deterioration, information from the past is producing fresh insights. First described in 1935, according to Bruce Bower in...

Infection and Mental Illness Link

The November 2019 issue of Psychiatric Times features an article by Brian Miller, MD, PhD, MPH titled, "Examining the Link Between the Immune System and Schizophrenia. " This article...

Follow Up on Ecology and Disease Spread

We have discussed in prior posts the relationship between climate change, environmental alterations, and species and vector adaptation, producing endemic to epidemic disease with...

There's No Business Like Government

Michael Heltzie in the October 26th issue of the Los Angeles Times attacks the premise that government should be run like a business. He gives the current wildfire crisis in California...

Truths and Consequences of Ecology with uninformed Astrophysical Speculation

Ecological disasters are sweeping the USA.  In the wake of climate change pursuant to global warming, here in California flash fires are burgeoning both North and South. Firefighters,...

Follow Up on Opioid Toxicity

As the California court system delves deeper into the death of Tyler Skaggs, the Los Angeles pitcher whose death several months ago stunned the team, organized professional baseball,...