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Cristina Smolenak

Counselor | Mental Health

<p>Cristina Smolenak is an Liscensed Clinical Therapist in Southampton, Pennsylvania. Cristina Smolenak evaluates patients using many different procedures, in order to determine what treatments must be carried out in order to properly assess their symptoms.</p>
25 years Experience
Cristina Smolenak
  • Cabrini College
  • Accepting new patients

My mother has dementia, and is starting to forget my daughter. How can I explain this to my daughter?

Hmm, this is difficult. Be honest by saying she has dementia and individuals who have it have a hard time remembering people and places. Give your daughter ways to handle when READ MORE
Hmm, this is difficult. Be honest by saying she has dementia and individuals who have it have a hard time remembering people and places. Give your daughter ways to handle when your mom forgets. Remind your daughter it's okay to feel upset and sad. Let her know her emotions are normal. Tell her some of the ways you handle it as well. You could also have your daughter talk to her family doctor to come up with other ways to be with people who have dementia.

How do you get rid of post traumatic stress?

Counseling, talking to a professional to help you through the process.

How does virtual counseling work?

You call a place and let them know you want virtual. They should be able to walk you through the process. You will just have to download the app they are using.

Why have I gained so much while during the lockdown?

There is something you are doing differently and just not realizing it. This is the difficult part. Get a walking tracker to make sure you are staying as active as you were and READ MORE
There is something you are doing differently and just not realizing it. This is the difficult part. Get a walking tracker to make sure you are staying as active as you were and make sure you are drinking water.

What are general methods used to treat depression?

Talk therapy, get out of you head with the thoughts you are stuck with. Then holistically try different activities to do everyday. Walking is great! Consult with your doctor READ MORE
Talk therapy, get out of you head with the thoughts you are stuck with. Then holistically try different activities to do everyday. Walking is great! Consult with your doctor for other ideas and if they don't help. Talk with your doctor about medication.

Can you get psychosis from anxiety?

Yes, you can. Please consult with your with your psychiatrist to help you.

How long does it take to get out of psychosis?

It all depends, with the help of medication. Please consult with your psychiatrist.

How do I explain being pansexual?

The best I describe it is...Pansexual you are attracted to everyone, it doesn't matter the physical characteristics, brown hair or blonde hair etc. You like the person for who READ MORE
The best I describe it is...Pansexual you are attracted to everyone, it doesn't matter the physical characteristics, brown hair or blonde hair etc. You like the person for who they are not their physical features. Being Bi sexual is you are attracted to certain physical features along with their personality.

How can I get over my husband's death?

This is tough...I professionally/personally don't believe you get over someones death. You will mourn them always, you love them and they will always have a piece of your heart. READ MORE
This is tough...I professionally/personally don't believe you get over someones death. You will mourn them always, you love them and they will always have a piece of your heart. Its how you handle the passing. Allow yourself to mourn in healthy ways. Some simple ways is burn a nice smelling candle when you are missing them and blow the candle out when you feel calmer. Relight when you are missing them. Remember the fun times. Grief is similar to the waves in the ocean it will come and go. Find things you enjoy. When you get a chance try to find a therapist to help with different ways to help you.

My daughter's friend is abused by her parents. What should I do?

You can always call Child line and you should not have to report your name. They should investigate.

What are the guidelines for recommending psychiatric medication?

Ask your therapist for a recommendation for a psychiatrist. Talk with them about your concerns and thoughts. Make a list of all your symptoms with your current therapist to take READ MORE
Ask your therapist for a recommendation for a psychiatrist. Talk with them about your concerns and thoughts. Make a list of all your symptoms with your current therapist to take to the doctor.

How effective is marriage counseling?

Marriage counseling takes both to participate, work on understanding your stuff and he needs to do the same in order to work on the both of you.

Can my family doctor treat anxiety?

You can do with your primary about talking with a therapist and see if there is one they can recommend. They know his personality which can help finding someone he READ MORE
You can do with your primary about talking with a therapist and see if there is one they can recommend. They know his personality which can help finding someone he will hopefully connect with. Due to his age it may take several times speaking with someone.

What is the treatment for sex addiction?

Speaking with a psychologist will be a good place to start.