Do I Have Piriformis Syndrome or a Bulging Disc? The Correct Diagnosis Is Critical!

Dr. Parker Andrew Neill Chiropractor Cary, NC

<p>For over 30 years, Dr Parker Neill, Dr Abbie Swank and Dr. Timothy Swank, has been serving the people of Cary and surrounding areas. We offer affordable Spinal Decompression treatment for patients suffering from conditions relating to herniated and protruding discs, facet problems and more. You'll be pleased to discover... more

Piriformis Syndrome & a bulging disc share very similar symptoms. Both conditions manifest with buttock pain & may cause pain radiating down the sciatic nerve into the leg. Additionally, they both may lead to:

• Tingling or numbness in the buttocks & legs
• Sleep issues
• Pain with movement or after prolonged periods of sitting or standing
• Leg weakness

So, what sets them apart?

One of the simplest ways to understand a bulging (or herniated) disc is to think of a jelly donut. The outer part of the disc is like the dough of the donut & the inside is the jelly filling. When we compress the donut, the jelly squirts out. Similarly, in a vertebral disc, the jelly (nucleus pulposus) pushes out, often causing nerve pressure. This results in local pain & pain radiating along the path of the nerve.

On the other hand, the piriformis muscle is a hip rotator located deep in the buttock. Importantly, it overlies the sciatic nerve. Piriformis syndrome occurs when this muscle tightens excessively. This causes local pain & compresses the sciatic nerve; resulting in pain radiating down the leg. Though the sensations may feel the same, the causes are entirely different!

Treatment varies depending on the condition, making a correct diagnosis crucial! At Triangle Spinal Decompression, we take the time to accurately diagnose your condition, explain it thoroughly & discuss all available options.