How Is Acne Diagnosed?
Acne is a persistent skin disease that makes the sebaceous glands become inflamed. It affects many teenagers and adults, especially the females. Acne represents 20 per cent of all dermatology medications.
In many cases, dermatologists or other health providers can identify acne by physically examining the affected areas of the skin. Nonetheless, your doctor might ask numerous questions that are focused on ensuring a comprehensive diagnosis. The doctor will usually ask about steroids usage and other underlying diseases that might interfere with your ability to use certain medications. You'll also be questioned about reproductive health issues such as birth control measures, infrequent menstrual periods, and breastfeeding. Information about a previous history of drug and skin allergy such as eczema is also beneficial to your doctor's diagnosis. You might also be asked if you have experienced depression and other mood disorders.
Under certain conditions, acne-related symptoms can mimic those accompanying other health conditions like rosacea. The above information will assist your physician to make a well-informed diagnosis.
Emotional Stress
Having acne doesn’t just mean cosmetic alterations to your skin - it also has an emotional implication on it. Because the face is the core region often affected by acne, signs and symptoms relating to the disorder can negatively change an individual’s appearance. This can cause extreme stress, depression, and anxiety. Acne can sometimes lead to depression, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence.
The emotional effects can affect anybody who’s suffering from the illness - males and females, teens or adults. Apart from interfering with the quality of life, the emotional impacts brought about by the disease could also suppress an individual’s productivity and employability. These consequences are comparable to what accompanies epilepsy and asthma. There are numerous myths associated with acne, and this can lead to misplaced feelings that can worsen the disease.
Risk Factors
The real cause of acne isn’t known, but researchers believe that genetic and environmental aspects are responsible. A prolonged family history of acne is a great risk factor that suggests genetic components. Moreover, there are several environmental triggers that worsen your condition and cause intensive flare-ups. Such triggers can differ from one person to another, and it’s important that you keep good track of all your triggers to assist you in avoiding them and minimizing flare-ups.
Take notes if you are under certain medications like lithium and steroids and if you are using some cosmetic products - nevertheless, this isn’t very common since many products undergo comprehensive tests, to ensure that they don’t cause any spots. Smoking of cigarettes can also cause acne in old people. Frequent or excessive pressure applied on your skin like wearing backpacks or headbands can also lead to acne breakouts. Moreover, there’s some indirect proof that sweating plus humid environments might trigger the development of acne. It’s possible that too much humidity blocks the skin pores resulting in acne. Hence, avoiding intense sweating might play a crucial role in preventing your pores from clogging and lessening the acne symptoms.
There are also definitive risks for acne. Acne can affect anyone, but several factors can influence your risk of portraying the symptoms:
- Hereditary factors have proved to play a crucial role in the development of acne. This implies that if your family members have been experiencing the condition, then you’re more likely to suffer from it as well.
- Hormonal changes taking place during pregnancy might also cause temporary acne flare-ups.
- Irregular menstrual periods
- Poor eating habits
Remember acne isn’t infectious and cannot be triggered by poor hygiene. It can be treated by short-term or long-term therapies.