How Can You Induce Labor Naturally?

If you are in your third trimester of pregnancy, you may be thinking of ways to avoid a medically induced labor. There is a multitude of different techniques to utilize to naturally induce labor, if you do not prefer medically inducing labor. However, there is no proof that these methods are completely effective or completely safe for the mother and the child. Women from countries all over the world experiment with different techniques that they turn to in order to naturally induce labor.
In many parts of Asia, acupuncture is the most common method used to induce labor. A study conducted on this method shows that acupuncture is helpful in inducing labor without any other medical help. Reports show that when compared to women who received standard care, those who underwent acupuncture went into labor on their own. The number of caesarean sections were also reduced considerably when acupuncture was used to induce labor.
Other natural methods used to induce labor include:
- Castor oil – Rubbing this oil on the skin or having food containing castor oil is supposed to stimulate bowel movements and initiate contractions. This method does have some side effects, like diarrhea and vomiting.
- Walks – Long, tiring walks are commonly suggested by many to naturally induce labor. It is still not clear whether exhaustion is really helpful while going in labor. Some experts are of the opinion that short walks are better than longer walks.
- Spicy foods – When it is time for labor, the mother is encouraged to eat spicy foods. There is no proof to show that a particular type of food in the stomach can induce contractions.
- Nipple stimulation – Stimulating the nipples including the areolar region may produce oxytocin and help in inducing labor.
- Herbs and remedies – Many of the old practitioners of old times depended on herbal induction of labor. One should remember that the safety and effectiveness of these methods are not proved in any case. Some of the common herbs used are caulophyllum, evening primrose oil, and cohosh.