Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Acid reflux?

Hi. I am a 27 year old female and I have had acid reflux symptoms for over 12 hours now. I have a cough and last night had a fever of 100.4. I have a runny nose and fatigue. The acid reflux symptoms are what are bothering me the most and I have taken antacids with no help from them.

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 2
Medications: Levothyroxine
Conditions: Hypothyroid

5 Answers

Make sure you have the fever checked because this is not associated with reflux. If antacids don't help, get famotidine, an over the counter H2-blocker and take this twice daily. If there is no help with this, see your doctor. You may need more aggressive medical therapy and possibly a need to see a gastroenterologist.
Antacids,bland diet, elevate the head of your bed, all will be of some value in treating reflux. If these things are of little help I would want to look for an underlying cause of the reflux.
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You may require proton pump inhibitor pharmacotherapy such as protonix or prilosec..also occassionally barium swallow imaging.
Cough, throat clearing, burning in the chest, sour taste in the mouth, increased throat mucus, these are symptoms of reflux.
Runny nose, fatigue, and fever are symptoms of viral URI. Therefore you likely have viral URI.
In addition to antacids, you should try to modify your diet, both what you are eating and when. Try not to eat or drink anything 3 hours before bed. You may also want to consider sleeping propped up on pillows or in a recliner while your reflux is severe. Hopefully, your reflux improves as your cold resolves. If it doesn't, make sure set an appointment with a provider.