Chiropractor Questions Chiropractic care

Back ache

Hi I'm feeling pain in my lower back ache pain

Male | 59 years old
Complaint duration: Week
Medications: Metformin
Conditions: Type 2 diabetes

9 Answers

It sounds like a disc, it need to be adjusted
Call me 212 243 5515

Here some self care actions:
1- products to help
If sitting aggravates your problems try , Home posture relief kit from THINKHEALTHY.COM
If movement / poor posture affects your conditions try ACTIVEWEAR ( Short for lower back and hips + Shirt for shoulders / mid back)

2- if you need more personalized care. Please schedule a Televist consult to help answer your questions and guide you to the right direction.

Sincerely, Dr. Romina
T: 4243799365
IG DrRominaG
Schedule a TeleVisit Consultation:
It is best to consult a chiropractic physician to determine the root cause of this pain and further assist you.
plese go and have it checked out to see why you are hurting.
Chiropractic treatment is highly effective for Lower Back Pain. I recommend that you go see your local Chiropractor soon for relief. Usually lower back pain is a musculoskeletal problem that Chiropractic will help, but occasionally caused by pinched nerves, bladder, kidney or bladder infections to name a few. So, don’t hesitate to get checked out immediately for a accurate diagnosis by a Doctor of Chiropractic or Medicine.
You should get that checked out by a healthcare provider that will take a full history, complete a thorough examination, and make the appropriate recommendations.
There are lots of reason to make lower back pain. Please call to my office for further information. 301-515-0209
There are several; causes of low back pain..One frequently overlooked issue is that a subluxation of the joint between the base of the skull and the top of the neck produces a global distortion of the overall posture. My own sciatica dating back almost 50 years resolved only after successful correction of the upper cervicals. Once that was corrected, and after a few weeks of adaptation, my low back became much less of a problem. Consult with a local Upper Cervical specialist. Blair upper cervical and NUCCA are two named techniques I have practiced.
You shouldn’t make an appointment to see your local chiropractor