Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor fix a pinched nerve in back?

I have pinched nerve in back. I want to treat it. Can a chiropractor fix a pinched nerve in back?

6 Answers

Yes, the whole purpose of Chiropractic treatment is to remove interference in nerve flow caused by pinched nerves.
This seems like a quick straight-forward question, but there are many things to consider. A good chiropractor will determine the source of the problem, whether it's a pinched nerve, mechanical low back pain, sciatica, or anything else that may be causing the problem. A great chiropractor will take a thorough history, do a complete exam (perhaps including x-rays or lab work) to determine the underlying cause of your problem (for example, hormone imbalance can amplify your pain--or kidney problems can cause low back pain). Chiropractic care can give temporary relief to symptoms, but if you want lasting relief, you MUST address the CAUSE. This typically cannot be done in a single visit, but usually takes time. I hope this helps.
Probably the best kind of physician to go to for a pinched nerve in the back would be a chiropractor.
Depending on the cause of the problem, a chiropractor would be a good source to do further evaluation and possible treatment to resolve the issue.
Yes a chiropractor is the correct type of doctor to see.
Yes they definitely can. That is what we were trained to do. The only profession that can accomplish the task without drugs or surgery.