Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can chiropractic help tinnitus?

I was diagnosed with tinnitus. Is it serious? Can chiropractic help tinnitus?

6 Answers

Tinnitus can be brought on by a viral infection, trauma to the ear or head or neck or from other causes. Typically, tinnitus in and of itself is not considered serious, however it can be seriously distracting and annoying. I’ve had some patients find relief after getting adjusted. It’s great to see your primary to rule out causes such as Meniere’s. It seems like you may have since you’d mentioned you were diagnosed with tinnitus .
Depends on the severity. More than likely yes. An exam and potential xrays would be recommended.
Depending on the cause of your tinnitus, chiropractic care can help. We’ve had success with it for some and no success with others.
One of this first chiropractic adjustments cured a man’s deafness, I personally have seen hearing restored after an adjustment, but these in are just anecdotes. Tinnitus is very difficult to treat and other than lowering blood pressure a bit the adjustment is not an effective treatment.
Possibly if it emanates from your neck
Tinnitus rarely represents anything dangerous. It is mostly annoying, but can be VERY annoying. Some things you can do that might help: Limit salt, caffeine, and alcohol in your diet. Not everyone responds to this. Sometimes one of those three will aggravate your tinnitus while the others may not.