“Can physical therapy help after hip replacement?”
I will have hip replacement surgery. Can physical therapy help after hip replacement?
5 Answers
Physical therapy can be a fantastic ally in your recovery after hip replacement surgery. It can help you get moving again, build strength, and ease pain.
Yes, physical therapy will help you regain hip range of motion and strength in the hip and leg, which will help for performing daily tasks and activities such as walking, moving from sitting to standing, etc.
Yes, physical therapy can help after your hip replacement. Physical therapy addresses, musculoskeletal , neuromuscular and myofascial systems. The Actual replacement of the hip does not address. So absolutely once the orthopedic doctor clears you for physical therapy make sure you go to get stronger, improve your balance, and get back to the activity level you want to be at.
Absolutely will help!! But, the patient is the one that really needs to be fully invested in doing the work!!! Getting up and walking to the chair is not going to benefit them!! Getting up vs and walking, walking , walking is what is needed. Make those muscles strong!!! Ron Ripple, DMSc, PA-C, Orthopedics
Yes, physical therapy can help after a hip replacement. Interestingly, unlike a knee replacement, walking and some simple daily self-directed exercises may be all that most patients need to make a full recovery after a hip replacement. Sometimes, if you had advanced arthritis or a more complex type of hip replacement, physical therapy may be indicated to facilitate a faster recovery.