Physical Therapist Questions Physical Therapist

Concerning Neck Pain

Hello, I am 20 years old, Male, 5'11, taking no prescribed medication. Two days ago, I cracked my neck causing it to hurt right before going to bed bed and I woke up with a headache, coughing, congestion, and a sore throat. I took Tylenol and my head felt better for a few hours but my neck and head began to hurt as I relax my body in a chair or bed I relax my body and I woke up again with the same symptoms today. Any idea if I hurt myself from cracking my neck as currently it hurts to turn my head or is am I experiencing symptoms that match with something of a cold or infection? Thanks

Male | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days

6 Answers

Your symptoms suggest a combination of musculoskeletal strain from neck cracking and a possible viral infection causing sore throat, congestion, and headache. The neck pain and stiffness may be muscular or due to minor joint irritation. Rest, gentle heat, and over-the-counter pain relief can help. Consult a doctor if symptoms persist or worsen.
It's possible that cracking your neck could have contributed to your current symptoms. When you crack your neck, you're manipulating the joints in your cervical spine. If done improperly or forcefully, this can lead to discomfort or even injury.

However, it's also likely that you're experiencing symptoms of a cold or infection. The headache, coughing, congestion, and sore throat are common symptoms of these conditions.
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I would recommend you schedule an appointment with your physician. Sounds like you might have a couple things going on. Early access to therapy results in better, faster outcomes so I would see your physician soon to see if PT would be appropriate.
The neck pain and headache could be due to musculoskeletal pain generators (soft tissues or joints) but the other symptoms sound like that of a cold/viral infection. I would try heat and gentle stretching to your neck, meditation or breath for relaxation and gentle massage. When we are sick we often have increased soreness and stiffness especially in areas already experiencing limitations/symptoms. However, if symptoms get worse I recommend reaching out to your primary doctor especially in the presence of high fever and increasing neck pain/stiffness.
Your neck lain is not because of cracking it. As a matter of fact, adjusting your neck should actually relieve the negative pressure in your neck. Most likely you pulled on a muscle and put a slight pressure on the muscles. Warm compress with some anti-inflammatory creams over the counter such as bayer for muscle pain or biofreeze will help a lot. Also pharmaceutical tens unit will help release the pressure from muscle spindle fibers that are inflamed.
It’s hard to know exactly without taking a look, but I’d think if you have pain with turning you perhaps aggravated a facet joint.