Foot & Ankle Surgeon Questions Foot Doctor

ā€œFoot pain?ā€

I've been having really bad pain in the right side of my right foot. I'd really like to know what it might be. Google isn't doing me justice. Please help?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Sertraline
Conditions: None

11 Answers

I recommend you schedule with a podiatrist post haste.
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for diagnosis, evaluation and treatment options
it could b many things , and should be evaluated by specialist
You should consult with your local podiatrist.
Google and I can not do you justice if we don't know where your pain is, how it is affecting you, when it is affecting you, if there is any history of injury, the location of the pain, etc. If you are suffering from foot or ankle pain, I highly suggest you see a specialist in your area to get an appropriate diagnosis and a treatment plan. Dr. Google and Dr. Wittenberg are not psychic, and it is ALWAYS best to have a patient physically present in order to provide the appropriate diagnosis
hi, most common cause of pain in that area is tendonitis, flat foot, or ligament or joint issue. xray is the first step, please contact local podiatry office.
If you are a runner could be a stress fracture. Might be wise to get an x-ray.
Hello and thanks for sharing your foot problem with me. I am happy to share my thoughts, tips and suggestions with you. I want to let you know that the history of your pain is an important part of understanding what it may be. How physically active are you? Did you have a traumatic event? What are the things that make it better or worse? If there has been no trauma then it may be due to show-wear. It can also arise from overuse. In any event, I would give it some days and encourage you to check out this link:

I hope this helps.
maybe a stress fracture?
You may have a stress fracture I recommend seeing someone for an evaluation.
Could be a stress fracture. Iā€™d make an appointment with a foot specialist.