Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How can I control my anxiety?

I was diagnosed with anxiety. How can I control it? Can a psychiatrist help me?

7 Answers

Hello, Sorry to hear that you are suffering from anxiety. Would it not be better to ask these questions to the person who diagnosed you?  They can refer you to a psychiatrist in case you need one.  As I have not evaluated you it would be difficult for me to suggest whether to see a psychiatrist or not. Are you in therapy?  Your therapist then would be the best source to help you in meeting your goals. I can recommend "Anxiety and Phobia Workbook". Take care and remain safe.
Anxiety and depression disorders are best treated/managed with a combination of behavioral and cognitive tools usually provided via counseling or psychological care and a psychiatric nurse practitioner for prescribing and monitoring recommended medication.
Anxiety can be "controlled" by learning skills in treatment with a psychologist/therapist. Psychiatrists can give you medicine to help your anxiety to "calm down." But the medicine won't cure anxiety. It's only a band-aid per se. You will have to learn skills in therapy in order to control your anxiety. Consult with a therapist.
Yes, psychotherapy or talk therapy can help. You can talk to a therapist. Meditation can be helpful but mot always necessary. Meds would require a psychiatrist

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A good therapist, who is experienced with anxiety, can help you learn how to manage your anxiety. You can't control it, but you can successfully manage it to the point that it no longer presents a serious problem..I recommend a Clinical Psychologist rather than a psychiatrist, who is likely.

Yes a psychiatrist will be able to help you with medication management to address your anxiety symptoms.
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