Dental Hygienist Questions Invisalign

How can I make my crooked teeth straight?

I have crooked teeth. How can I make my crooked teeth straight?

5 Answers

Orthodontic treatment is the ideal solution to correct crooked teeth. You can choose to go the traditional route with metal braces or use clear aligners, however each patients case is unique and your doctor can tell you which style is more suitable for your particular situation.
Orthodontics would straighten your teeth. There are many modalities. We use Invisalign in this office.
Consult with your board certified orthodontist to find out the most effective way to straighten your crooked teeth.
My first choice is Invisalign
You can consider traditional braces (metal or clear), technology braces, or clear Aligners like Invisalign.
I hope this helps you on your smile journey!
Dr J and Stellar Smiles Ortho Team