“Is gallbladder surgery serious?”
I will have gallbladder surgery. Is gallbladder surgery serious?
6 Answers
Any invasive abdominal procedure has risk. Choose a surgeon that you trust that is board certified and has experience performing cholecystectomies and elect for an in-hospital setting over a surgi-center which may not be as equipped to handle an emergency if one occurs in the OR.
Not from the surgeons standpoint, but it certainly is from yours. There are a handful of possible complications, which happen rarely but, when they do, might be serious. Your surgeon will hopefully explain everything to you.
All surgery is serious and should not be taken lightly. Gallbladder surgery requires general anesthesia and with that there are inherent risks. In healthy patients these are minimal and most patients tolerate the procedure well. Gallbladder surgery is the most common surgical procedure done in the USA. Since it is such a common procedure, the overwhelming majority of these surgeries go as planned without complications. Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
This can be done laparoscopically today, which is non-invasive ( no big abdominal incision). The surgeon does 4 or 5 small incisions and puts air in your belly so he can see, and the uses tiny instruments to take the gallbladder out, and look at the duct for any stones. Once done, the air is taken out and you wake up feeling much better than if you’d had major surgery.