Physician Assistant Questions Doctor

Lump on my right pec?

I woke up this morning and my right pec hurt, and since I slept without a shirt. I just thought it might have been pricked by something, but a bit ago I bumped it and it feels like there is a marble-sized lump under my skin in my right pec.

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 2/5/2022
Medications: NONE
Conditions: Asthma, ADHD

1 Answer

This lump could be several things but the most important thing is to make an appointment with your primary doctor to examine the lump. He or she will need to get an ultrasound of your pec muscle to see if the mass is fluid or solid. Also, you need blood work to make sure you don't have any underlying conditions. It could be a lipoma which is a benign mass of fat or it could be something malignant so it's very important you don't ignore this and go to your Dr immediately.