Audiologist Questions Audiologist

Ringing ears?

Hello. I had sinus congestion and that has cleared up and I feel better but my ears continue to ring. I tried a nasal decongestant. Do I just need to let it clear itself or is there a medicine that would help?

Male | 67 years old

4 Answers

Nasal congestion could have left with some fluid in the ears. Need to see an Otolaryngologist to evaluate and diagnose
To date there are no medications which help alleviate tinnitus. Incitors include noise trauma, aspirin, ibuprofen, some chemotherapy drugs, smoking, alcohol, name a few.
I would recommend seeing an audiologist for a comprehensive hearing test and tympanogram. This will reveal if there is any lingering middle ear problems or a other hearing problems contributing to the ringing. 
Angela R. Sieh Ceretto, M.A., CCC-A, FAAA

That would be a better question for a physician. You can give it a couple days to see if it clears, and if not, you can see a primary care physician.