Doctor Questions Doctor

Strange bug bite?

I was on the Gulf of Mexico at a beach and came home with a huge some kind of bite on the inside of my butt. It has leaked a little puss but it feels like a sting when I sit on it and I can't seem to squeeze any more puss out. What should I do? I'm literally afraid that an actual bug bit me and crawled inside.

Female | 42 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days

2 Answers

From what your describing you need to be seen by a medical provider. It’s unlikely a bug crawled in there but it is possible that the bite got infected and you may need antibiotics or for it to be properly cleaned out so it does not become an infection like an abscess which is a pocket of infection. It is especially important with the area your describing as that area can become infected easily.

Kay Kelts,DO
You do nothing except see a dermatologist.