Dentist Questions Dentist

Tooth pain on chewing?

I get pain when biting down on hard or soft sweet foods. The pain is in between the first and second premolar (lower teeth). The pain is also really bad when eating sweet foods like chocolate or soft sweet biscuits, as it dissolves into the space. I have had OPG and general x-rays done (showed nothing) and have seen 3 dentists over a couple of years and they all said there was no cavity or infection. I never got a filling. One dentist said I have mild bruxism and said I should get a mouthguard. My regular dentist didn't think it was necessary. The other didn't mention either at all. I don't know what to do now. Any insight into the problem or advice is much appreciated.

Female | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 2.5 years
Medications: ventolin
Conditions: nil

4 Answers

It could be a fracture
The typical cause is fracture or abfraction allowing osmotic changes which influence pressure in dentin tubules causing discomfort. Not all problems can be diagnosed with x-rays, clinical examination is most important for a solution.
Pain can be from the hairline fracture or front gums.
Without an examination, it is impossible to tell. But, the questions to ask your provider. Are there abfractions present in the area? Have the teeth in question been vitality tested? Were the teeth checked for cracks? ( Tooth sleuth ) Do you have a traumatic occlusion? (bite) Have a CBCT taken in the area to look for pathology/cracks/periapical lesions. Good Luck and I hope you find some answers to your discomfort.