“What happens if you don't floss while having braces?”
I am a 21 year old male. I want to know what happens if you don't floss while having braces?
14 Answers
What happens if you don't clean under your finger nail? Same story - you will get a gum infection. Try to get a waterpik to flush out the plaque.
There con be a couple things; First your gums can grow up around the brackets and teeth to such an extent that the braces will have to be removed until the gums return to health. Second the plaque that builds up on your teeth, builds up around the brackets, this leads to marks on the teeth after the brackets are removed, at best. Worse is the increased chance of decay around the brackets which leads to fillings and more problems for the rest of your life.
You might get decay on your teeth and also gum disease. I highly recommend extra brushing and flossing while on braces
Food and bacteria get trapped in and around teeth much easier when there are braces. If you are not meticulous with your home care, including flossing you will find that cavities will develop rapidly. If you have a hard time flossing around your braces, you may want to consider investing in a water pick or a sonicare air flosser. You can even put some fluoride rinse, such as ACT in the reservoir to give additional fluoride boost.
Unfortunately, if you don't floss you will end up with gingivitis which is gum bleeding and inflammation and also at the end of your braces you might end up with lots of in-between teeth cavities or decays which are the worst type of decays.
It might catch up some cavities in between the teeth, which is not a good thing. You also might have halitosis, due to stuck food.
If you don’t floss, you will become more prone to gum disease, which could lead to tooth loss if not treated. As it is, it’s tough enough to keep your teeth clean while having braces, that’s why flossing becomes an important routine on a daily basis. Remember that flossing aids in preventing tooth decay. As we say, “Don’t forget to floss.“
There are different gadgets that could be used while having braces like floss threaders, air floss, water pick. If plaque is not removed from between the teeth, then tartar might build up. Therefore, ideally you should use something to clean in between your teeth even while having braces!
Sofiya Malakova
There are different gadgets that could be used while having braces like floss threaders, air floss, water pick. If plaque is not removed from between the teeth, then tartar might build up. Therefore, ideally you should use something to clean in between your teeth even while having braces!
Sofiya Malakova
You could develop cavities in between your teeth and the cavities could be very serious. Cavity development would be as a result of bacteria accumulating in between your teeth. In order for the cavities in between your teeth to be fixed, the braces would have to be removed. Also, your gums would get very unhealthy and you could develop Gingivitis or even Periodontitis.
I strongly recommend that you floss. You have nothing to gain by not flossing.
I strongly recommend that you floss. You have nothing to gain by not flossing.
Great question! It is very important to brush at least twice a day and floss using a floss threader while you have braces. Lack of flossing will cause swelling of the gums, leading to bleeding and tenderness. This is called gingivitis.
Braces make keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy more challenging. If you do not brush adequately you will end up with white rectangles on the fronts of your teeth. These are areas of decalcifications - where the teeth have started to weaken. Invariably, they become cavities later on. So you need to bush above the wire, which most people do, but then brush below the wire, at your gumline. If you do not floss, you can expect your gums to overgrow, and you may develop cavities between your teeth. There are flossers on the market called Platypus Flossers. They make flossing fairly easy with braces. Please use them. Also, have your orthodontist assistant show you how best to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. Don't let them just tell you, but rather demonstrate it for you.
You cannot floss while having braces, because of the wire is blocking the floss passage. Use small tooth pick, regular tooth brush and water pick, it will do good job