Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What is the best exercise for frozen shoulder?

I am a 19 year old female. I want to know what is the best exercise for frozen shoulder?

6 Answers

Anything just move it!! It will hurt but the more you break up adhesions the best and faster you will heal. It's a hard one but can be done! Your chiropractor should be able to show you how to stretch. Lots of ice after lots of stretching will help reduce inflammation and pain!
Proper shoulder ROM stretches and exercises. This can be difficult to do if one has not been properly coached or taught. There are also many soft tissue mobilization techniques that can speed the recovery process of frozen shoulder.
Your frozen shoulder needs to be evaluated with a hands on approach to determine underlying causes. All exercises for the shoulder are based on the need for a normal range of motion of the shoulder.
Exercise and mobilizing a frozen shoulder may require physical assistance in order to prevent pain and achieve a full range of motion. A chiropractor can assist in these and assess any misalignment of the shoulder which contributes to the shoulder locking up. These exercises will help increase your mobility.

1. Pendulum hanging-arm circles
2. Towel stretch
3. Finger walk-up-the-wall
4. Cross-body reach
Rhythmic Stabilization exercises are the best for frozen shoulder. Look up videos on YouTube for a tutorial.