“Is chiropractic good for headaches?”
I am a 58 year old female. I want to know if chiropractic is good for headaches?
15 Answers
Only about 2% of patients in office and 4% of patients in an emergency room setting will be diagnosed with a headache indicating serious pathology such as tumor, AVM, aneurysm, etc. Most other headaches are benign and are not life threatening, they include: migraine, tension-type, cervicogenic, and cluster headaches. A combination of Chiropractic and Functional Medicine can be very helpful in getting relief for the patient that is suffering.
Yes, chiropractic care is excellent for headaches. Of course, it is possible that a 58 year old female has degenerative changes in her cervical spine which is contra-indicated for manipulation. There are 100 different techniques in the profession, many that are gentle and extremely safe. With a complete history and evaluation, a doctor will be able to determine the best course of care.
Yes, many headache sufferers find relief from chiropractic care where other methods have failed. Most headaches are neuromuscular, which affects blood flow to the head, causing headaches. I would suggest that you consult with a doctor of chiropractic.
Yes, many headache sufferers find relief from chiropractic care where other methods have failed. Most headaches are neuromuscular, which affects blood flow to the head, causing headaches. I would suggest that you consult with a doctor of chiropractic.
In my experience, the vast majority of my patients that experience headaches have had a decrease in severity or frequency.
Yes!! In fact its the best way to correct the problem forever. I have seen many people get rid of migraines completely, a few get them less often and less painful. Where ever you are, go get adjusted!!!
Typically yes, It would depend on the type and cause of the headache but your chiropractor should be able to easily determine that.
Your doctor of chiropractic may do one or more of the following if you suffer from a primary headache:
-Perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your system.
-Provide nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet and perhaps the addition of B complex vitamins.
-Offer advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), exercises, and relaxation techniques. This advice should help to relieve the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.
Chiropractors believe that some migraines originate in the spine. Often, a misalignment of the vertebrae, or subluxation, can irritate the nerves that travel the length of the spine to the brain. This misalignment makes a person more prone to chemical imbalances in the brain. Some researchers say that realigning the vertebrae — a chiropractor's specialty — relieves the pressure against inflamed nerves and can in turn relieve the headaches.
-Perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your system.
-Provide nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet and perhaps the addition of B complex vitamins.
-Offer advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), exercises, and relaxation techniques. This advice should help to relieve the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.
Chiropractors believe that some migraines originate in the spine. Often, a misalignment of the vertebrae, or subluxation, can irritate the nerves that travel the length of the spine to the brain. This misalignment makes a person more prone to chemical imbalances in the brain. Some researchers say that realigning the vertebrae — a chiropractor's specialty — relieves the pressure against inflamed nerves and can in turn relieve the headaches.
Headaches are a major portion of all Chiropractic offices. I personally treat patients with headaches. Some respond quickly to chiropractic and some don't and need longer term care. However, headaches need to be evaluated to determine if they need further diagnosis or if they will respond to Chiropractic.
Many people believe that headaches are caused by loud noise, being tired, or being stressed. While these are all factors that can lead to headaches, the direct cause is tightness in the neck and shoulders. The tightness can cause misalignments in the vertebrae of your neck, resulting in pain. 80% of all headaches originate from the neck. With a typical cervicogenic (neck origin) headache, a person usually feels pain starting at the base of the skull which radiates into the temples, eyeballs, and forehead. Massage of the neck and shoulder muscles can release tension, and a chiropractic adjustment can realign the vertebrae in your neck. Chiropractic can help eliminate the cause of your headaches rather than offering a temporary relief from the symptoms.
Yes ma'am it is!
"Research shows that spinal manipulation – one of the primary treatments provided by doctors of chiropractic – may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck. A 2014 report in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) found that interventions commonly used in chiropractic care improved outcomes for the treatment of acute and chronic neck pain and increased benefit was shown in several instances where a multimodal approach to neck pain had been used. Also, a 2011 JMPT study found that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, improves migraine and cervicogenic headaches."
"Research shows that spinal manipulation – one of the primary treatments provided by doctors of chiropractic – may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck. A 2014 report in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) found that interventions commonly used in chiropractic care improved outcomes for the treatment of acute and chronic neck pain and increased benefit was shown in several instances where a multimodal approach to neck pain had been used. Also, a 2011 JMPT study found that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, improves migraine and cervicogenic headaches."
Chiropractic can be good for certain types of headaches. It is important to get to the underlying cause of the headaches. Your chiropractor should ask you a lot of questions about your headaches and do a thorough examination to find the cause of your headaches. If your provider can identify the cause of your headaches, he or she should be able to offer you a good solution.