Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

What kind of anesthesia is used for ankle joint surgery?

I will have ankle joint surgery. What kind of anesthesia is used for ankle joint surgery?

11 Answers

That will depend on your pre-op Anesthesia assessment and the advice of your Anesthesiologist
You could have a regional anesthetic that consists of a popliteal block and adductor canal block with sedation of propofol. Alternatively you could have a spinal/epidural with sedation.
Lastly, you could have a general anesthetic.
General anesthesia, Spinal anesthesia, Laryngeal Mask Airways and Regional anesthesia are used for more invasive ankle joint surgery.

Monitored anesthesia care with local anesthesia and Regional anesthesia are used for less invasive ankle joint surgery.
A general anesthetic is usually used.
Sedation or general anesthesia.
Usually a general or a popliteal block.
A combination of general and local anesthesia is used for foot and ankle surgery.
Anesthesia will vary depending on the procedure. It is usually general anesthesia. I recommend you discuss with your surgeon for your particular case
There are options. Regional anesthesia with a spinal or epidural block and sedation vs general anesthesia. Regional blocks for postop pain with or without a post op pain management can be a possibility depending on the type of surgery and your providers

Barbara Watanabe MD
It is variable. Depends upon the extent of surgery. Bone versus soft tissue.
General anesthesia is often used. Sometimes local anesthesia with IV sedation is used.