“What treatment is the most effective for scoliosis?”
I have scoliosis and want to treat it. What treatment is the most effective for scoliosis?
4 Answers
Great question. Regular adjustments coupled with physical therapy have gotten great improvements in scoliosis for my patients!
This depends greatly on age. An 8 yo. child can, with effective adjustment, avoid the excess curvature that gets tagged as Scoliosis. After 12 or 14, the strategies shift to prevention of progression and getting the joints of the spine working as well as possible. What you can do specifically is work with a chiropractor to get you neck aligned, so the nerves and muscles in your spine work properly
Rather than passively observing worsening scoliosis, chiropractic treatment offers a proactive & rational strategy for limiting or reversing spinal curve progression. This is achieved through the application of spinal adjustments, along with physiotherapy & exercise methods such as Schroth. For patients already utilizing braces, our approach involves co-management, as we can enhance the effectiveness of traditional bracing, alleviate discomfort associated with bracing & reduce the likelihood of surgery.