“Can a chiropractor help a dislocated rib?”
I am a 38 year old male. I want to know if a chiropractor can help a dislocated rib?
16 Answers
Yes. Due to the articulation the ribs have with our thoracic spine, when a thoracic bone goes out of place, it is likely that a rib moved. There are both anterior and posterior connections for our ribs that can become misaligned and cause pain. Sometimes this pain can be sharp and affect breathing. A chiropractor can contact the rib and give an impulse to put the rib back into place.
Absolutely! First the Doctor will make sure that is what in fact your problem is and will utilize a specific technique for the issue found in examination!
Subluxated rib - Yes
Dislocated rib - not at all
I think you might have already known this answer before you even asked it.
Dislocated rib - not at all
I think you might have already known this answer before you even asked it.
A trained Chiropractor may be able to place the rib back in place. They may also be able to verify if there is a fracture with the use of X-rays.
A chiropractor can correct a subluxated rib which is a degree less than a dislocation. By careful manipulation a subluxated rib can be put back into its normal position. A dislocation might require additional therapy and treatment. In either case, it would be beneficial to apply ice therapy, a period of rest, and then corrective exercises.
That depends on a lot of things! How long ago it was, how severe, and what’s going on now, etc. I’d recommend sitting down to talk with a chiropractor about it and possibly have some digital X-rays taken to help evaluate!
Dr. Josh Barton
Dr. Josh Barton
Great question. Yes, chiropractors are actually very well trained at realigning dislocated ribs. Either with hands-on adjusting or tool assisted techniques.
Hopefully this helps!
Dr. Lauren Harden, D.C.
Hopefully this helps!
Dr. Lauren Harden, D.C.
Absolutely! Most times it is not just the rib. We typically do a neurological scan to check for interference to nerves that control organs to identify underlying issues. Typically a rib dislocation will present with difficulty breathing and sharp pain. It’s important for us to identify the root cause of your problem to truly fix it.
Yes, after the rib has been reset, a chiropractor would be the go-to physician to help speed the recovery.
Let's discuss the difference between dislocation and dysfunction. Dislocation is when a joint completely detaches. Dysfunction is when a joint is not moving properly. Depending on the state, reducing a dislocation is not done by a chiropractor, as this may require surgical intervention or anesthesia.
I think you are talking about dysfunction, which involves abnormal motion of a joint, and often involves muscle spasms. Chiropractors can help with this.
I think you are talking about dysfunction, which involves abnormal motion of a joint, and often involves muscle spasms. Chiropractors can help with this.
If it’s truly dislocated, I’d seek an orthopedist. If it’s ‘out of place’ or misaligned, I’d definitely consult with your chiropractor.
This depends on the severity of the dislocated rib. I recommend calling the offices of your local Chiropractors and asking them if they are trained in treating dislocated ribs.