Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can chiropractors help anxiety?

I am a 32 year old male and I have anxiety. Can chiropractors help anxiety?

17 Answers

That depends on what is causing anxiety. If it's related to a condition that is causing pain and emotional distress and treatment manages those symptoms, your anxiety may decrease. If you have general anxiety disorder, it's hit or miss depending on who you ask.
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Most likely, no. I have several patients that have claimed that chiropractic treatment can help with anxiety, but I am unaware of any research that supports this claim.
Anxiety can be cause by variety of reasons. It can be psychosocial, psychological, Neurological, autoimmune or many more. As a chiropractic neurologist and having knowledge of functional neurology anxiety is something that can be helped as long as other medical reasons are role out and dealt with. Maybe combination of psychotherapy and functional neurology to address complexity of anxiety disorder. I hope I was a help to you!

Yes, it can help reduce the anxious feeling one has by realigning the spine, this takes the pressure off the nerves, allowing signals to be sent properly to muscles/organs, which in turn allows the muscles/organs to function normally. Reducing the anxious feelings we experience.

Thank you for your question,

Dr. Churchill
Chiropractic can help relieve pain which might then help with anxiety. It will make you feel physically so much better, but if you're asking if you should go to a chiropractor specifically to treat anxiety, then I would say no. There isn't any evidence to support that.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
Yes, doctors of chiropractic help people with anxiety. Adjusting the spine helps to release anxiety & stress. That's basic spinal care. Holistic chiropractors, like myself, take it a step further. There are natural techniques in chiropractic that release emotional and trauma issues. There are techniques to help with hormonal balance and nutritional deficiencies.
With regards to anxiety, it can cause a lot of physical manifestations, such as muscle tightness, restless sleep, and mood swings. Chiropractic can help relieve muscle tightness, which can help calm the body, and this may help reduce anxiety levels. Chiropractic may also allow the body to relax enough to be able to sleep better, and chiropractors can help guide a
patient who suffers from anxiety with helpful hints for exercise, meditation, and proper nutrition, which may also help manage anxiety.
Chiropractics can help with some side effects of anxiety however it cannot eliminate the cause of it. The cause of anxiety differs for each person and there can be multiple causes.

Several studies that support the idea that chiropractic care, as well as massage therapy, can lower blood pressure and stress symptoms.
High blood pressure is a common symptom of anxiety and/or stress.
This is a clear indicator that chiropractic care can reduce anxiety and stress symptoms, and help people with mental health issues feel more stable.
The goal of every chiropractor is to find the right balance between your mind and your body.
A chiropractor does this by examining all health areas, including adjustments, therapies, exercise, diet, and supplements.
Even the smallest changes, such as adding an omega-3 supplement into your diet, can have an impact on anxiety symptoms.
Your spinal health can influence every region of your body.
After getting a chiropractic adjustment, your body triggers an increase in hormones like neurotensin, oxytocin, and cortisol.
Each of those hormones will play a different role in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Neurotensin will neutralize stress-induced pain
Oxytocin boosts neuro-communication and feelings of social bonding
Cortisol blocks the pain from inflammation
A spinal adjustment can have an extremely positive impact after these hormones are triggered throughout your body.
It's very common for patients with anxiety and/or depression to also suffer from muscular tension.
Chiropractic care can reduce the tension and stiffness they experience.
It can also relieve pain related to tension headaches, as many patients who live with mental health disorders also live with migraines.
This relief can have a huge impact on those with anxiety and/or depression by removing the painful symptoms.
Generally speaking, chiropractic care, along with massage therapy, can also help reduce pain in patients with mental health diagnoses.
Insomnia is a common symptom of anxiety and/or depression.
After visiting the chiropractor, most patients find it easier to fall asleep at night.
Studies have also found that some chiropractic manipulation can improve patients sleep patterns.
If you struggle with insomnia, chiropractic care can help. Learn more about the best sleeping positions here.
Chiropractic care has also been found to relax patients.
The atmosphere alone of a chiropractic session can make patients feel less stressed and their muscles more relaxed.
Studies that have measured electrical activity in muscles found that after a chiropractic adjustment, muscle activity was reduced y about 25%.
This is great evidence that a chiropractic session can help you feel more relaxed.
That kind of relaxation can help patients suffering from stress and tension as a result of anxiety and/or depression.
Your chiropractor, after taking a detailed history and performing a thorough examination may be able to offer you some stress management strategies, recommend natural supplements that may help, and hopefully refer you to a professional that specializes in anxiety.
I highly recommend chiropractic for anxiety, especially if you find a chiropractor that practices functional neurology and/or brain-based wellness.

Skylar Bakko, DC QNCP PAK BFM

I can't say there is a correlation between anxiety and spinal subluxations or misalignments.
Yes Chiropractic can help the body regulate its own normal functioning. Proper nutrition, physical activity, gut biome health, and proper levels of vitamin D can also help anxiety.
Anxiety is not a diagnosis that is treated by Chiropractors. However, many patient report a feeling of calmness and relaxation after a treatment and some with a lasting effect. I don't like the term "alignment". In my opinion treating the spine is about function. Everybody's spine is different and responds differently. The goal is to make the spine work well within its own structural parameters. Stretching, exercises, posture, habits and activities of daily living can make a difference. It is important to get help from a licensed professional. Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are trained to diagnose and treat all the areas of the neuromuscular skeletal
Short answer is yes. But it depends. Anxiety is tricky. it could be a case of "all in your head" in which your thought patterns and perceptions of reality cause hormone and chemical unbalance. Or it could be a mechanical issue. If there is a subluxation in your thoracic spine that directly affects the function of your adrenal gland. Ask your chiropractor if you have adrenal gland disfunction due to a thoracic subluxation.
Chiropractic adjustments will help anxiety and stress related problems.