Urologist Questions Urologist

Do I have a urinary tract infection?

I do see blood clots in my urine and have a painful urethra when urinating. Do I have a urinary tract infection?

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 28/12/2019
Conditions: I us3d

5 Answers

The answer may be yes, it's very unusual for a young male to have a urinary tract infection, and it should be evaluated by a doctor.
You need to have a urine analysis to document hematuria or urinary infection.
You need a urine culture and possibly a look inside the urethra to make sure you don’t have a urethral stricture. At your age, it is not cancer.

Dr. Niko Lailas
You may have a urinary tract infection. I would go see a urologist to be evaluated.
Probably. It could be something worse, but at 21, the most likely diagnosis is a UTI of some sort. See a doctor as you will need antibiotics.