Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

How do you sleep after ear lobe surgery?

I am a 35 year old female and I will have ear lobe reduction surgery. How do you sleep after ear lobe surgery?

4 Answers

Hello, you should be given a headband following your surgery to be worn at all times for at least one week. It will keep your ears safe, specially at night during sleep. If you have any further questions or inquiries please visit my website at Good luck!
You should simply elevate your head with two pillows for the first couple of nights. Also, use older pillowcases because a bit of blood may drip on to the surfaces, which is normal.
Good luck.
It is not a very painful procedure, probably not much more than piercing your ears. Earlobes do not seem to have a lot of pain receptors.
Your head has to be elevated so that requires 2-3 pillows arranged comfortably. The dressing should be thick and heavy so that it protects the ears from too much pressure when you partially lay on them. Do not compromise yourself by taking sleep medications.