“How to gain weight fast and safely for weight training?”
I'm weight training, and I'm trying to figure out the best diet that will help me bulk. I have friends who do their own thing, but they typically bulk with unhealthy foods which I personally think is counter intuitive. Is there a safe diet for me to eat while bulking?
4 Answers
Hello, In order to gain weight in a safe and healthy way, you want to increase your calories by 250-500 a day. This will allow you to gain 1-2 lbs a week. One approach would be looking at how many calories you are currently eating and adding those calories that way. Adding calories in a healthy way can be by adding 1 avocado to your meal, adding 1-2 extra servings of protein or whole grains, or 1 extra snack. Let me know if you have any other questions.
You need to talk to a fitness trainer about healthy eating to bulk up. Protein powder is a good start. I prefer Protein powders that are plant based. If possible, avoid whey based protein powders.
Increasing your protein intake will help to build muscle. Aim for more than the recommended dietary minimum of .4 grams per pound of body weight. I recommend 25% of your calories come from protein. Eating more in general is also necessary to gain weight but as you suspect, it's important to get more calories from whole foods first and only use processed foods as needed. It's also important that you eat a meal with at least 20 grams of protein following a workout. If you are trying to build muscle with a workout, such as strength training, it's also a good idea to eat before.