Family Practitioner Questions Family Practitioner

Is it safe for me to visit my mother for a few days?

My mother and I both got Abbott Tests for Covid-19, both with negative results. Is it safe for me to visit my mother for a few days?

Male | 31 years old

1 Answer

The good news is that both you and your mom have tested negative so the simple answer would be yes. That said to really answer your question accurately much more information is needed. Where do you live and where does your mom live? Do you have to take public transportation (airplane, train, bus, Uber) to visit her? Do either of you have a chronic medical condition that places you at higher risk? Do you live in an area where there has been a spike in cases? Do you live in a rural, urban or suburban area.? Are either of you “essential workers” and so may have daily exposure to the virus? These are just some of the questions that would need to be addressed before your question could be answered definitively.

P. Gunnar Brolinson, DO
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