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Can nerve damage in the back be treated without surgery?

I have nerve damage in my back. Can nerve damage in the back be treated without surgery?

Scared of ALS?

Recently I’ve started experiencing strange feelings in my arm and hand after yoga training recently. My thumb gets stuck suddenly (usually after using it) in a straight position,...

Seizures getting worse?

I have had seizures for 6 years with no help. I didn't go to hospital or doctors. Recently about 6 months ago the seizure and fainting got worse told my GP and they aren't helping...

Mother's stroke and brain affected - esp. swallowing function?

My mother, 81, suffered a "stroke" during an operation to place stents on her arteries (90% blockage, we were told), during which one of the arteries burst. She was revived but...

Cluster headaches?

Hello, I'm suffering from cluster headaches and it's really unbearable. It's 3: 57 AM and I have to get up at 6 to get to work. I really can't stand it anymore. Is there really...

What is causing my headache?

It feels like a full head headache. No runny or stuffy nose, I can breathe. I feel nauseous sometimes. I get chills sometimes but feel warm. The headache is the main thing,...

How to treat sciatic back pain?

I have pain in my lower back and down my right leg.

Does weight gain or cigarettes or video games effect eplicate seizures?

My son had a grandmal seizure last night. Does too many video games, weight gain or cigarettes have a factor in causing a seizure?

Head surgery without shaving the head?

I am a healthy 32 year old woman who is looking for a surgeon, probably a neurosurgeon, to remove 4 objects in the lower back of the head. These are BB pellets from self-harm...

Can nerve damage in the foot be fixed?

I have nerve damage in my foot. Can nerve damage in the foot be fixed?

What should you avoid if you have a brain aneurysm?

I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. What should you avoid if you have a brain aneurysm?

Can I reduce my risk of stroke?

I am a 52-year old female. I wonder if I can reduce my risk of stroke?

How long is recovery from brain aneurysm surgery?

I will have surgery for a brain aneurysm. How long is recovery from brain aneurysm surgery?

I just need some suggestions on what I can do?

I have been having sharp pains in my legs and then after a while, they go numb for a little bit.

Can a seizure cause permanent damage?

My friend got seizures. Can a seizure cause permanent damage?

Numbness in my feet?

If I sit on the toilet bowl or on the floor, I get numbness. What might be the cause?

How to find a specialist in ocular migraines?

Are ocular migraines diagnosed and treated by a neurologist or by an ophthalmologist?

Cervical stenosis?

I’m having numbness and pin and needle sensation some dizziness. According to the MRI findings, what is your medical opinion as to treatment? How serious are the findings?

Can you live a normal life with a brain aneurysm?

I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Can you live a normal life with a brain aneurysm?

Neck problem?

I was suffering from a feeling of pressure and stiffness in my neck. Eventually, I stretched it hard with a cloth several times, I felt some terribly burning sharp pains but the...

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