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Should I stay away from physical activity after wisdom tooth extraction?

I know I need my wisdom teeth removed because I'm in so much pain. They broke through too, since I see them in the back. But the thing is, I heard that after an extraction, it's...

Do dental implants ever fall out?

I'm going to have dental implants placed in about two weeks. But I'm kinda worried with how successful this procedure really is. Is it possible for my implants to fall out?...

What determines wisdom teeth removal?

Some people say wisdom tooth removal is necessary, and others say you really don't need. If you need to get a wisdom tooth extraction, what factors determine it?

Should I wait to have my wisdom teeth extracted?

I feel two of my wisdom teeth coming in at the top part of my mouth. I know that they need to be removed because me and my dentist already talked about me not having enough room...

Would my son need surgery if he keeps grinding his teeth?

My son grinds his teeth while he's sleeping and loudly, too. We would like to get him a mouth guard, just to see how it'll help him. But if he continues grinding his teeth, would...

Is general anesthesia sometimes used for wisdom tooth extractions?

I have to get my wisdom teeth removed, and I'm a little nervous for the procedure. Do these procedures sometimes need general anesthesia?

Is maxillofacial surgery advisable for a diabetes patient?

My wife has diabetes and needs to undergo a maxillofacial surgery. Is it advisable given her condition?

What is the procedure for restoring a missing tooth?

My tooth broke and then fell out a couple months after that. What is the procedure to restore a missing tooth?

Should I plan to have someone drive me home after my extraction?

I have to get two wisdom teeth removed, and I'm only getting local anesthesia for them. Should I still have someone drive me to my dentist, and pick me up, because of the anesthesia?...

Chronic cannabis use before surgery. Should I stop before surgery?

For a patient who uses a mild amount of cannabis daily for approximately a year, how long before a wisdom teeth removal surgery should they stop use?

I had an accident and my tooth broke. What can be done about it now?

I met with an accident and my tooth broke, almost in half. If I go to get this fixed, what will happen?

Why do I need to go to an oral surgeon for my tooth extraction?

I have to get my wisdom teeth removed and my dentist said that he's going to refer me to an oral surgeon to remove them asap. Does a wisdom tooth extraction really require surgery?...

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