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Can drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage?

I found out I was pregnant when I was 2 months. I did drink here and there, but that was because I didn't know. Can drinking alcohol cause a miscarriage? Or is a low quantity...

How accurate are home pregnancy tests?

I'm 27. I missed one period and am late on my second, so I want to get a home test. How accurate are home pregnancy tests?

Is it possible to be pregnant 5 days before period?

My last period date was 16 Feb and 12 March during sex some sperm goes into my vagina. I have some doubts about pregnancy. I checked with pregnancy kit but the result is negative...

What causes green vaginal discharge?

Recently I started having a greenish vaginal discharge and I know this is abnormal. I'm 40, and have never seen this before. What causes green vaginal discharge?

Is there a way to prevent bacterial vaginosis?

I'm a 30 year old woman and I have had bacterial vaginosis 4 times this year. Is there a way to prevent bacterial vaginosis from developing in the first place?

What causes pelvic pain at night?

My pelvis has begun aching at night, but it's usually gone by the morning. What could cause this? Is this serious enough to go to the doctor for?

Why would a period suddenly last long?

My periods normally last for 4 days, but the one I had this month lasted for 10 days. What could have caused this?

How long does ovulation lasts?

I'm thinking about having a child soon, but I'm trying to figure out when I'm most fertile. How long is this fertile period, and on what day am I most fertile?

Should pregnant women get the flu shot?

Is it recommended that pregnant women get the flu shot? Is it safe for everybody, including pregnant women?

Should I go to every appointment when pregnant?

I'm only a few months pregnant, and I'm also 25 years old. My doctor wants me to go to her a lot, twice a month. I feel like this is too much. Do I have to go to every appointment?...

What is a menopause follow up?

I'm going to have a menopause follow-up very soon. Will my doctor tell me about medication and hormone supplements? What should I know?

Are there any approved anti-depressants for pregnant women?

I'm 30 years old, and I recently was put on an antidepressant (Lexapro). The pharmacist said that it would not be safe if I was pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Are there...

Can Essure be reversed?

I've been experiencing hair loss and occasionally cramps with Essure. Can this be reversed?

Does birth control make you gain weight?

I'm thinking about going on the pill but I'm worried about if I would gain any extra weight. I've had a few friends gain some weight after starting birth control. Is weight gain...

Can one get pregnant while on birth control pills?

Is it possible to get pregnant while on birth control pills? What is the failure rate if you use the pill correctly?

Can birth control lower one's appetite?

I'm 31 now and I have very little appetite since I started on the pill. Is it possible for birth control to lower your appetite?

Is it safe for diabetics to have children?

I'm a 28 year old woman with type 1 diabetes, and I want to have a child. Is childbearing safe for diabetics?

Is it okay to take a probiotic and activated charcoal the week before surgery?

I'm having a myomectomy on Monday morning. I stopped all my vitamins, but for the past day I've taken my probiotic and activated charcoal to help me with digestion and not being...

What causes pelvic pain at night?

My pelvis is aching at night when I'm trying to sleep, but it's usually gone by the morning. What could possibly cause this? I'm also 43 years old.

What causes discoloration around the vagina?

I'm 35 and I have a discolored area around my vagina. Could this be the sign of some kind of infection? Should I see a doctor?

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