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My toddler may have swallowed a dipladenia flower?

Our 1 year old grandchild kept pulling the flowers off our dipladenia plant and may have put a piece in her mouth, would it harm her?

What causes dizziness?

I am a 21-year-old female. I have been feeling dizzy for almost three weeks now. I am certain that I am not pregnant because I don't have experience. I sleep at 2 am most days...

I don’t know if I should go back to the ER?

I am having severe left side pain- almost like achy pain, my chest feels tense when I breathe. I have stage 3 kidney disease, my right kidney is failing. I went to the ER on...

What is causing my daughters leg pain?

My daughter injured her left leg last December. She went to her PC and they sent her to an orthopedic doctor. They did an X-ray and found no issues. Eventually, after a month...

I have a rapid heart rate?

I am waiting on my appointment with a cardiologist for a full workup. Today I was prescribed prednisone for an ear infection. I took it with dinner about 2 hours ago. For the...

Is an allergic reaction considered an emergency?

I have a food allergic reaction. Is an allergic reaction considered an emergency?

Should I go to the hospital for coughing up blood?

I cough up blood today. Should I go to the hospital for coughing up blood?

Should I go to the hospital for high hemoglobin?

I have high hemoglobin. Is it serious? Should I go to the hospital for high hemoglobin?

Do I need any medical attention after my fall?

I am a 79 year older female. I fell today at about 3: 30. I hit my head (on the wood floor in my hallway) on my right eye at the end of the eyebrow near my temple. I also hit...

How long does it take to have a stroke after cutting a neck artery?

If somebody cuts a nonimportant artery in their neck, how long would it take to lose 2 pints of blood, and for a stroke to happen? How long would a person have to be lying there?...

Are these symptoms of covid?

Hi, in the last week I have been in contact with at least 3 people who since then have tested positive for covid. When I was at work Saturday, October 2 I thought it was chilly...

I have unexplainable shooting pains?

I'm having very bad pain shooting though out all of my body it's spreading through my body. I feel super weak to the point I can barely move but the hospital checked everything...

I have a pressure headache?

I am a 40 year old male, I'm not on any medications, no past medical history. I've been healthy everything's all good except for 3 days ago he was mixing some lye drain cleaner...

Taking Humera with Crohn's Disease?

I have a question that's sure to boggle your mind. My 11 year old granddaughter has Crohn's Disease and has been being treated with Humera. Her last two checkups showed she was...

How long do you stay in hospital with a blood clot?

I was diagnosed with a blood clot and will go to the hospital. How long do you stay in hospital with a blood clot?

What is the fastest way to increase your iron levels?

I have low iron levels and want to fix it. What is the fastest way to increase your iron levels?

What does all of this mean?

I have not been doing well the last few years, constantly tired, very difficult time doing a normal activity or equal activity to those my age. I have always had chronic lung...

i'm spitting up blood (not coughing) w' a possible inflamed respiratory system (a result of the covid vax itself, not anything else)?

I just noticed I'm spitting up pinkish spit with foam (nothing else) and I know that that's a result of the covid vax, which I did not consent to. It was done unknowingly by...

I have a foreign body in my eye and a burning eyebrow?

My right eyebrow burns when I put eye drops in the eye of the same side. I've had something in it since yesterday when I was cleaning the yard and preparing for snow. One of...

Why am I a medical mystery?

I'm also only 25 years old. I was hospitalized after flu-like symptoms that led to paralysis of my legs. I can walk only with a walker now cause of leg weakness. Doctors called...

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