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Are period-like cramps normal in early pregnancy?

I am 3 weeks pregnant and have period-like cramps. Is it normal? What should I do?

Is it safe for a pregnant woman to take painkillers?

I am pregnant and have bad headaches. Is it safe for a pregnant woman to take painkillers?

What is the safest antidepressant for pregnancy?

I am pregnant and want to take antidepressants. What is the safest antidepressant for pregnancy?

Can you get rid of uterine fibroids without surgery?

I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids and want to treat them. Can you get rid of uterine fibroids without surgery?

How can I prevent infection after a hysterectomy?

I will have a hysterectomy. I am afraid. How can I prevent infection after a hysterectomy?

Is a Pap smear necessary during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and will have a Pap smear test. Is a Pap smear necessary during pregnancy?

How accurate is genetic testing for gender?

I am pregnant and want to get genetic testing for gender. How accurate is genetic testing for gender?

What pregnant diabetics should eat?

I have type 2 diabetes and I am pregnant. What pregnant diabetics should eat?

Can you deliver a baby with an epidural?

I will have delivery next week. Can you deliver a baby with an epidural?

How long does it take to recover after ovarian cyst surgery?

I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. How long does it take to recover after ovarian cyst surgery?

How does local anesthesia affect the baby?

I am pregnant and will have a procedure under local anesthesia. How does local anesthesia affect the baby?

Is this pregnancy nausea?

Hey, we recently found out I'm 5 months pregnant, further than expected, but I still have morning sickness, wake up feeling sick, and on and off nausea throughout the day. Is...

What is the best position to sleep after delivery?

I had a delivery 2 days ago. What is the best position to sleep after delivery?

What exercise is allowed during pregnancy?

I am 4 weeks pregnant and want to exercise. What exercise is allowed during pregnancy?

What can I do for allergies while pregnant?

I have seasonal allergies and I am pregnant. What can I do for allergies while pregnant?

Can I have a healthy baby at 35 weeks?

I want to know can I have a healthy baby at 35 weeks?

Colace use?

I have been using Colace 50 mg stool softener on and off during my pregnancy. Now I am not sure if it is safe or if it will cause harm to my baby.

Can you take sleeping medicine while pregnant?

I am 3 months pregnant and have sleep problems. Can you take sleeping medicine while pregnant?

Do breastfeeding moms need vitamins?

I am a breastfeeding mom. I wonder if I need to take vitamins?

How can I reduce my menstrual cramps?

I have bad period pains. How can I reduce my menstrual pain? What pain medications can I take?

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