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My hemoglobin level is 7.4 what can I do so I want have to have a blood transfusion?

My iron level is low. My hemoglobin level is 7. 4 what can I do so I want have to have a blood transfusion?

Can low iron cause behavior problems?

My daughter has behavior problems. She was diagnosed with low iron. Can low iron cause behavior problems?

How long does postpartum anemia last?

I was diagnosed with postpartum anemia. Will it go on its own? What should I do?

Drawing blood?

This isn't really about me at all, but I was wondering what exactly would happen if a doctor didn't apply pressure to an arm after drawing blood? Also, what might the complications...

Why Is O the universal blood donor?

I have the O blood type. Why Is O the universal blood donor?

Should I be worried that my blood clots faster after having COVID?

I had COVID in March 2020. I attempted to give blood that June but was unable to complete my donation as the flow of blood slowed and eventually stopped before the bag was filled....

Low White Blood Cell count?

I use the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) Healthcare System. The VA Blood Laboratory Range is considered Low if: a. White Blood Cell count is below: 4. 8 10*9/L and b....

Blood cancer?

My lymphocyte count is 9 is this okay?

Low WBC?

I'm a 55 yo Japanese woman with a low White Blood Cell count of 2,800 and have no symptoms of Leukopenia. My WBC has gone down steadily from 5,100 in 2013 to 2,800 in 2021. Is...

Quick healing?

Every time I get blood drawn my wound heals immediately. Never need a bandaid. Curious why that happens.

Can a CT scan confirm a blood cancer?

My daughter has pediatric lymphoma. They want to do different tests on her. Can a CT scan confirm a blood cancer?

When do you need a blood transfusion?

I was told I may need a blood transfusion because of my deficiencies. When do you need a blood transfusion?

Alanine transaminase?

I have just had some blood test results and I am wondering what they mean, My value 37 IU/L Standard range 10-35 IU/L Flag H do I have anything to worry about?

Does radiation weaken your immune system?

I will have a radiation treatment next week. Does radiation weaken your immune system?

Iron based anemia vs something else?

F-34 5f, 5in 150lbs I have struggled with iron deficiency anemia for years. When I lived in Denver my hemoglobin ranged between 11. 3 and 10. 2 I supplemented with iron sometimes....

What is the best schedule for a child with anemia?

My 6 year old daughter has anemia. I want to know what is the best schedule for her?

How can I strengthen my red blood cells with a blood disorder?

I have lymphoma and want to strengthen my blood cells. How can I strengthen my red blood cells with a blood disorder?

Hemoglobin levels?

Is it possible to raise your hemoglobin level from 9. 1 to 11. 1 in one week?

What could this lump be besides lymphoma?

I noticed a pea-sized lump near my popliteal lymph nodes on the back of my leg, just like an inch or so under my knee hollow (at the top of my calf). It’s fairly hard, it seems...

CBC result?

My CBC result says "Class B. Lymphocytosis. Cholesterolemia. " What does it mean? Thank you.

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