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How long does it take to recover from a brain aneurysm surgery?

My son will have surgery for a brain aneurysm. How long does it take to recover from a brain aneurysm surgery?

What is the likelihood of my unborn son having autism?

I am a 26 year old pregnant female. My husband has a very mild form of autism. What is the likelihood of my unborn son having autism?

My daughter shows symptoms of autism?

My daughter is 2 years old and I suspect she has autism. She is delayed with speech and walking, and a loner. Is it too early to tell?

How do you know your child has a speech disorder?

I think my 5 year old son has a speech disorder but I don't see other kids enough to compare. How do you know your child has a speech disorder?

Can an aneurysm be cured?

My 13 year old daughter has a brain aneurysm and we are worried sick. Can an aneurysm be cured?

How can I tell whether my son is a bully?

My 10 year old son keeps coming home with more money than we give him. He is also angry often. Could he be a bully?

How is autism diagnosed?

I think my 3 year old son has autism although I still want it officially diagnosed. He can't make sentences and doesn't have interest in potty training.

What can I do with my son's anxiety attacks?

My son is 14 years old and he gets anxiety attacks very often. What can I do with my son's anxiety attacks?

My daughter has trouble making friends in school?

My 6 year old daughter has trouble focusing in school and has issues getting along with other children. She will isolate herself from other children and not share her toys. Could...

How to help a child with ADHD?

I think my 6 year old son has ADHD because he has difficulty focusing and is distracted by everything. How to help a child with ADHD?

What is the best way to help bipolar children?

My 13-year-old son was just diagnosed with bipolar disorder. What is the best way to help bipolar children?

Why does a child throw tantrums and hit himself?

My 3-year-old son throws very worrisome tantrums. He will sometimes hit himself or do other harmful behaviors, and he has difficulty communicating frustration. Is that normal?...

What are the treatment options for ADHD?

My son was just diagnosed with ADHD. Is it serious? What are the treatment options for ADHD? He's 12 years old.

How do cognitive issues impair learning?

My son has trouble learning and his teachers want him to be tested for any cognitive issues. What can I do as a mother to help him learn things better?

Is autism a genetic disorder?

I noticed that there are a few cases of autism in my family, between immediate and distant relatives. Could it be possible that autism is hereditary or, genetic? Does family...

What are the early signs of autism spectrum disorder?

My daughter is 3 years old, and she's severely behind on her milestones. She makes noises when she wants to speak but she hasn't said any words, and she doesn't like to play with...

What is autism spectrum disorder?

My daughter is always salivating and I don't know what to do. She's 7 years old now and I don't know where she can be able to go school.

What does it mean to have high-functioning autism?

My son was diagnosed on the autism spectrum, but his doctor described him as "high-functioning". I'm not really sure what this means. Can you explain it to me?

Can autism raise the risk of PTSD?

My son was recently diagnosed with autism, at 5 years old, and I'm just worried about the effect this will disease will have on his mental health in the future. He's at risk for...

When should I worry about my child not talking?

My son is 15 months old and still hasn't said a word. He's barely even making sounds. Both me and my husband try our best to talk to him, but it doesn't seem to be working....

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