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How often should faces be washed?

I have sensitive skin, and sometimes it seems dried out and oily at the same time. What should I do? How often should I wash my face?

When should one get a mole biopsied?

I have a mole on my upper chest that may have been changing size over the last few years. When is the right time to get a biopsy performed on a mole?

What causes acne on the back?

I have bad acne on my back and I'm not sure about what caused it. What causes acne on my back?

Are nail gels safe?

I've heard that using nail gels can actually damage your real fingernails as you get older. Is that true?

What causes pigment loss in skin?

I'm 43 years old, female. Last year I started noticing a patchy area spreading out from my eyes where it looks like the skin is losing pigment. What causes pigment loss in skin?...

What causes hard skin growths to form?

I have one on my right index finger that doesn't look like any descriptions I've read online. What is a hard skin growth, if it's not a wart or a callus or anything like that?...

What products help heal burst whiteheads?

When a whitehead bursts, and the pus comes out, the healing process still takes a really long time for me. What products help heal burst whiteheads faster?

How can one tell if their face is too oily?

I think having an oily face contributes to my acne. How can one tell if their face is too oily?

Can swimming in the ocean cause whiteheads?

My visit with my family to the beach this summer seemed to leave my face full of whiteheads. Can swimming in the ocean cause whiteheads?

What symptoms accompany a Poison Ivy rash?

After hiking with a friend recently, I developed a very itchy oozing rash on my legs. How can I definitively identify this as poison ivy? What symptoms accompany a Poison Ivy...

What skin creams work to even out skin tone?

I'm a 25 year old woman, and my face is pretty blotchy from too many hours of sun exposure on the beach. Are there skin creams that can even out skin tone without staining?

What causes bumps to form on one's penis?

Ever since I was a little boy, I've had a sort of line of little white bumps ringing the rim on the head of my penis. What causes them?

How can my daughter treat acne safely?

My daughter is 13 and has very complex skin. Her acne breakouts are insane. How can she treat them safely?

What causes grey hair?

I'm 32-year old female and already have some grey hair. I think that I am too young to have it already. What causes grey hair?

Are there any home remedies for psoriasis?

I've been diagnosed with psoriasis a year ago. Are there any home remedies that I can use to treat this condition?

What causes a skin rash?

I'm 37 and have problems with skin rashes. My dermatologist recommended some creams and I'm using them. But, what I really want to know is what actually causes skin rash?

Is acne a permanent condition?

My son has the worst acne breakouts and is struggling with this. Is this permanent or can it be treated?

Are cold sores treatable?

My daughter has cold sores and they keep coming back again after some time. Are they treatable?

Can men have cellulitis?

I'm 29 and male. I have noticed that skin on my legs is a bit weird and it looks like I have cellulitis. Can men have this?

Is psoriasis a permanent condition?

My husband has psoriasis and sometimes it really looks ugly. Is this a permanent condition?

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