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Are chronic headaches curable?

I have chronic headaches and want to treat them. Are chronic headaches curable?

How long does it take to recover from finger nerve surgery?

I will have finger nerve surgery. Is it serious? How long does it take to recover from finger nerve surgery?

What massage is best for nerve damage?

I have nerve damage in my neck. I want to get a massage. What massage is best for nerve damage?

What is the natural remedy for headaches during pregnancy?

I am pregnant and I have daily headaches. What is the natural remedy for headaches during pregnancy?

Is Parkinson's genetic?

My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Is it serious? Is Parkinson's genetic?

Lumbar puncture?

Hi, I have a weak paralysis sensation in the area where I had it done. This was 28 years ago. It flares up every now and then and I struggle immensely to walk and move. Then...

Sex and disability?

I have MS. I cannot feel anything below the waist. When friends talk about sex it's horrible. I get angry, I feel hurt and frustrated. When I see a pretty woman, same again....

Why is my hand tingling after workout?

I have hand tingling after a workout. What could be the cause? Should I see a doctor?

What is the best treatment for nerve pain in the back?

I have back nerve pain. I want to treat it. What is the best treatment for nerve pain in the back?

Bilateral leg pain?

Both my legs from the top of the knees to about the ankles hurt almost to the point of tears when I stand after sitting a while. When I move around it eases a little. I am 51...

Does Neuromodulation work for migraines?

I have migraines and want to treat them. Does Neuromodulation work for migraines?

Head Injury?

I got a concussion 8/9 months ago, hit the back of my head and was bleeding from my ears. I lost my sense of taste and smell. I still haven't gotten my taste/smell back, I get...

Asking for daughter?

I am asking for a 14 year old female with pressure like headaches, the headaches are the worst in early morning and at late night. The headaches are located above and around the...

How long does it take to recover from carpal tunnel surgery?

I will have a carpal tunnel surgery next week. How long does it take to recover from carpal tunnel surgery?

How can I prevent my scoliosis from getting worse?

I have scoliosis. It hurts sometimes. How can I prevent my scoliosis from getting worse?

Impaired sensation for touch?

A month ago I lost sensation for touch on my left nose through the left eyebrow to the ear, left palm, and left bottom of my feet. Six months ago I had lost touch sensation on...

How long does intense pain last after lower spine surgery?

I have intense pain 12 days after lower spine surgery. Is it normal? How long does intense pain last after lower spine surgery?

Head pains?

I had blood work and an MRI with no signs of anything wrong. I had head pain in my front right forehead with right eye pain and facial ticks of the right mouth for 1 year at least...

What causes a child to develop Marfin syndrome?

My newborn baby was diagnosed with Marfin syndrome. What causes this disorder?

Is hand nerve tingling normal during COVID?

I was diagnosed with COVID and I now have hand nerve tingling. Is it normal?

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