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Does B12 help you lose weight?

I'm a 25 year old guy, and my weight has been out of control for as long as I can remember. I heard from a friend that the B12 shot can help you lose weight by keeping your energy...

What causes hyperlipidemia?

I'm a young men and I recently had a check up and a blood test, but they told me that I had high levels of fat in my blood (hyperlipidemia). What does this mean?

Why is my hair getting greasy?

I'm a female, aged 32. I never had any skin or hair problems before, but suddenly my hair has gotten so oily and it looks horrible. What can I do about this?

How long do swine flu shots last?

Me and my kids got the swine flu shot last year. Do we need to get them again this year? If yes, why would we need to get them twice?

Can swimming pools cause rashes in children?

My 5 year old son visited a public swimming pool yesterday, and today he has a red rash on his face and neck. Is this likely a reaction to the chlorinated water, or something...

What is an over-the-counter pill similar to Tramadol?

Tramadol 50mg is by prescription only, and lately I've been having terrible bouts of chronic pain. Is there anything I can take instead of Tramadol? Like something natural?...

Do children with leukemia frequently get fevers?

My daughter would get fevers without having any infection. We took her to the doctor, and he would like us to get her tested in case she has something a lot more serious. . ....

Can athletes get rheumatoid arthritis?

My grandfather was an athlete and his doctor diagnosed him with rheumatoid arthritis. How is this possible? He used to exercise all the time up until he turned 60, and I always...

Do allergy shots really cure allergies?

My son's doctor recommended allergy shots to build up his immune system against his allergies, but I'm not really sure that they would help. How do they really work?

What is the Dukan diet?

My doctor recently told me I need to lose weight for health reasons. I heard about the Dukan diet, but I'm just wondering, is it safe to go on it?

Is Stevia powder good for health?

I'm considering using Stevia for my tea instead of sugar, but is it safe to use?

What are the treatment options for hemorrhoids?

I'm a 29-year-old guy and I also have hemorrhoids. I thought hemorrhoids was something that old men get, but clearly not--since I have them. My doctor told me to have a high-fiber...

What can I do to prevent amputation?

I started to experience numbness and a tingling feeling in my left foot, and I also have diabetes. I have a feeling that this could be the onset of diabetic neuropathy, but I...

What is the emergency treatment for hyperglycemia?

If my daughter goes into a hyperglycemic state, what should I do to help her? Should I take her to the emergency room, or is there a way for me to help her at home?

Sore throat in the morning?

Every morning, I have a sore throat that eventually goes away. I'm not really experiencing any symptoms, however, apart from this. Is this a normal thing to experience?

How is rheumatoid arthritis ruled out?

I have a family history of rheumatoid arthritis, and now I'm starting to exhibit the first symptoms of them. I watched my mother deal with this condition for so long, so I'm hoping...

What should I use to cleanse my kidneys?

I would like to cleanse my kidneys in order to prevent any issues--I also just overcame a kidney infection, so I feel like a detox is needed. What foods or drinks do you recommend...

Can I reverse my liver damage?

I used to drink alcohol a lot when I was younger, but now I'm worried about my liver's health in general because of it. I know alcohol could have serious effects on my liver,...

What's the best diet for Crohn's disease?

I want to start eating in a way that doesn't cause any issue with my Crohn's disease. What's the best diet for it?

Is a ventilator considered life support?

My aunt is on a ventilator after her heart surgery, and I didn't realize that a ventilator is a lot serious than I thought. Because she's on a ventilator, does it mean that she's...

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