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Can my teenager benefit from therapy?

My daughter was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and is currently taking Adderall. So far, it's working for her, but I think she might also benefit from going to therapy alongside...

Does psychoanalysis help with depression?

I was diagnosed with clinical depression several months ago, and I feel like the antidepressants I'm on aren't really helping. I would like to try therapy, and only therapy, to...

How effective is marriage counseling?

My husband and I have been experiencing some serious problems, and I want to try marriage counseling to save our marriage from falling apart. But does it really work?

Drinking himself into unconsciousness

My husband is an alcoholic. After years of treatment, counseling and AA meetings he has stopped drinking. Or so I thought. I find empty, hidden liquor bottles plus most nights...

Can my family doctor treat anxiety?

My younger brother has been experiencing anxiety attacks in these past couple of weeks. We aren't sure if we should go to our family doctor for his issue, or if we should take...

What is the treatment for sex addiction?

My wife is addicted to sex and keeps wanting to have sex everyday. I recently read an article that said that this behavior could indicate a psychological problem. Should I take...

My son has a birth defect in his hand. How can I make sure it doesn’t affect his confidence level?

My son is 6 years old and is suffering from a birth defect in his hand. This is now showing in his confidence level, making him an introvert and very aggressive. What can I do...

Why are my dreams so vague?

My dreams seem very weird and vague, and I'm not sure about what to really think of them. In my next therapy session, can my therapist help me understand my dreams?

How Can I Finally Overcome my Pain Medication Addiction?

For over 10 years now, on and off, I have been addicted to pain medication. I do have horrific headaches that leave me unable to function when they come on. I got addicted to...

Will counseling help my son get over his stage fright?

My son is very afraid to be on stage, which is a huge problem because he's in his school band and is unable to play with them during their concerts. Can counseling help him get...

Is my husband's mental health responsible for his increased sexual drive?

My husband has had a mental health problem and for the last few years went from having no interest in sex to needing it all the time. I have recently found that he has been flirting...

My daughter's friend is abused by her parents. What should I do?

My daughter told me that one of her friends at school told her that she was being abused by her parents. I want to do something, but I'm not really sure where to start. Can you...

My wife is disinterested in sex. What should I do?

My wife is extremely disinterested in sex. This has never really happened before, we used to have a relationship where we regularly were intimate. Why has this changed? We don't...

Why am I so scared of the dark?

I have been scared of the dark since I was a kid, and now I'm 24 and still haven't gotten over this fear. Because of this, I only sleep with the TV on to have some light. What...

What are the guidelines for recommending psychiatric medication?

I have been doing cbt for a mental illness I have. I think i need medication as i am still suffering. Are there certain guidelines or criteria i need to meet to get prescribed...

How can I get over my husband's death?

My husband died rather suddenly last year because of a serious car accident. My children are a little young, so they both don't understand what happened (not yet anyway), but...

My mother has dementia, and is starting to forget my daughter. How can I explain this to my daughter?

My daughter is 8 years old. Her grandmother (my mother) has dementia, and it has progressed to the point where she does not remember or know my daughter anymore. My daughter...

Does my child require counseling after the death of her grandmother?

My mother recently passed away after a lot of suffering. My daughter who is 6 years old saw her suffer throughout. I am worried about the effect that this may have on her. Does...

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