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Why does my infant get red blotches from the sun?

My 1-year-old daughter get red blotches on her face every time she is exposed to direct sunlight. We usually try to cover her face when we take her out, but it's very weird....

Should we check child's temperature under their arm?

Should we check our child's temperature by measuring under the arm? This is how my mother used to do it for me, but it seems like everybody now checks a kid's temperature under-the-tongue....

How much exercise should I get regularly to help lower my cholesterol?

My cholesterol is high. Before going on medication, my doctor asked me to take some healthy steps with my diet and exercise. Now I have more fruits and vegetables and less red...

What does a vertigo attack feel like?

I'm 25 years old and sometimes I feel really dizzy. I usually don't feel better until I lie down for a while. Could this be a vertigo attack?

Do vestibular exercises work?

My youngest son is 14-years-old and he has a lot of trouble with balance and dizziness. Our family doctor recommended vestibular exercises. Do these work?

What should I do about my frequent heartburn?

I feel like I have heartburn constantly, and I'm only 30 years old. My heartburn is worst at night before I go to bed. What can I do for this?

How long are children with chicken pox contagious?

My child has chicken pox, and I know that I should be careful. How long are children with chicken pox contagious?

How can you tell the difference between heartburn and a heart attack?

My grandfather doesn't take care of himself and it makes me really nervous. The other day, he was having bad chest pain that he said was heartburn, but to me, it could have been...

Should I be concerned about coronary artery disease?

I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease and my doctor wants me to start taking medications to treat it. However, I'm not experiencing any chest pain, shortness of breath,...

Do I have varicose veins?

I'm 45 years old and have noticed that some of the veins on my legs have become darker than they used to be. Do I have varicose veins?

Why am I experiencing muscle pains in my arms and legs?

I'm a young adult male, 27. I've been experiencing aches and pains at random times throughout the day, mainly in my upper arms and legs. Sometimes, these aches are so severe...

What should I do about my kidney stone?

I'm 40, and male. After experiencing some pain in my left side (it was throughout the day), I actually passed a kidney stone. I didn't go to the doctor yet for it. Should I...

Why can't I fall asleep at night?

I'm a 24-year-old, male, and I cannot sleep at night. This has been happening for 2 straight weeks. I've tried some over-the-counter remedies in the past (mainly melatonin),...

What causes restless leg syndrome?

My legs are basically always bouncing or twitching, and sometimes it feels like spasms. Can it be restless leg syndrome? What causes restless leg syndrome?

Why do certain foods cause my nose to run?

I'm 22, and I noticed that my nose runs when I eat certain foods, specifically spicy foods. Why does this happen?

Pescatarian lifestyle for type 2 diabetes?

Being that I have type 2 diabetes, is becoming a pescatarian a healthy choice for me?

What are the side effects of Tramadol?

I'm 40, and I'm taking Tramadol to manage my chronic leg pain. I've only been taking it for a week and a half, and it's been working well. But are there any side effects of Tramadol...

Is there a smaller, better version of the CPAP?

Is there a smaller, better version of the CPAP? I don’t like the big bulky one and never use it.

How do I get medical CBD/THC?

How do I get medical CBD/THC in Canada? I have celiac disease and it causes anxiety and I cannot sleep.

Fever after vaccine. What do I do?

My son just had a vaccine for the chicken pox, and just a day after it, he has a fever. His fever is not high and only 100. 5. Is this normal? What should I do?

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