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What can we do to improve immunity in kids?

Are there any natural products or home remedies that are proven effective in improving children's immune system?

Is gooseberry juice good for digestion problems?

My friend advised me to start having gooseberry juice everyday to take care of my digestive problems. Is it a safe option?

Can I take herbal medications to treat my heart problems?

Would you recommend someone to try natural and herbal medications for treating heart problems? Is it safe?

Are there any natural ways to strengthen my liver?

Are there any natural treatments that can strengthen my liver?

What is the best natural way to treat headaches?

I often get headaches during the summers. What is the best way to treat these headaches naturally?

Are ayurvedic toothpastes better than flouride?

Should I prefer an ayurvedic toothpaste over a fluoride one?

Are there any natural treatments for oral thrush?

What are the ways to treat oral thrush naturally?

Can eating betel leaves cause oral cancer?

I eat betel leaves everyday after my dinner to help with my digestion. But can this really cause oral cancer?

High platelet count

I had a high platelet count the last time at the doctors. I heard about thrive vitamins to help with energy. I wanted to take them since I have low muscle tone. Will it effect...

Are there any home remedies to treat varicose veins?

Are there any home remedies to treat varicose veins? Sometimes they are painful and to be honest I am insecure of my legs because of how they look.

Thrive vitamins?

When I went to a hematologist, my platelet count was high. Someone told me about thrive vitamins to help with energy. Can I take them or will it effect my count?

What is ideal to put in a bath for a bed ridden patient?

My mother is bed ridden and we are taking care of her at home. What antiseptic is ideal to put in her bath water to ensure she is infection free?

Will my homeopathy medication contradict with my anesthesia?

I am on homeopathic medication and have to have a surgery soon. Should I stop taking them before my anesthesia? I need to have general.

Is homeopathy a good option for treating muscular pains and aches?

Can I start homeopathy treatment for treating muscular pains and aches? What is the first step?

Is excessive green tea consumption bad for health?

I end up having a lot of green tea during my work hours throughout the day. Is it bad for my health?

Are there any home remedies to treat dry mouth?

I get dry mouth often. Are there any home remedies to take care of this problem?

Is there homeopathic medication available to treat attention disorders?

My son is 7 years old and suffers from ADD. Is there any homeopathic medication available to treat this?

Are there any home remedies to treat persistent yeast infections?

I frequently get yeast infections, and am tired of always having to get the prescription from my OBGYN. Are there any home/natural remedies to cure and prevent a yeast infection?...

Is there any homeopathic medication available to treat motion sickness?

I have a severe motion sickness problem and I have to travel in the next month. Is there any homeopathic medication to treat this?

What homeopathic medication would you recommend for bloating and GERD?

I've been experiencing a lot of bloating and issues with my GERD, on and off. Is there any any homeopathic medication that you would recommend for me?

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