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Is physical therapy a must for runners?

In our latest training session we were told that runners should frequently go to physical therapists. Is it true? How does it help? Is it more preventative than anything else?...

My pelvic region seems to be swollen. What could be the reason?

I am a 32 year old woman. Since yesterday I have noticed that there seems to be a swelling around my pelvic region. Although there is no pain, the inflammation seems to be evident....

How is sciatica pain diagnosed?

I am having a lot of pain around my hips, but I don't know what to do since it doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere on my body that is external. How is sciatica pain diagnosed...

I was diagnosed with gout. Can a chiropractor help me manage the pain?

I am suffering from gout since I was diagnosed 2 months ago. Do you think I should consult a chiropractor for my given condition that will help me manage my condition better?...

My abdominal X-ray look a little hazy. What could this indicate?

I underwent an X-ray to diagnose the cause of my abdominal pain. However, my X-ray looks a little hazy and the doctors aren't sure on where they should concentrate. Why did this...

I am experiencing dizziness for the past week. Should I go for an MRI?

Lately, I've been feeling dizzy and have a nagging headache. This has only been happening for a week, but it is consistent and it just doesn't seem to dull down at all with any...

Why do I see traces of red blood in my stool?

I saw traces of red blood in my stool last night and it left me extremely worried. What could this be due to? What should I do next?

How can I control the bad smell from my feet?

I have extremely smelly feet since they sweat. . . a lot. I have tried various sprays to treat it, but my feet still have this horrible odor. Should I go to a podiatrist to...

Is vitamin D deficiency normal in diabetes patients?

I am diabetic for the last 3 years. My recent body check up reports have indicated that my vitamin D levels are low. Is this deficiency connected to my diabetes?

I am looking for non-drowsy cough syrups as I have my exams. What should I ask for?

I have my exams going on and hence need to study for long hours. I also have a cold and cough. The normal cough syrups make me feel very drowsy. Please suggest a non drowsy...

Can you suggest a suitable medication for my grandmother's throat pain?

My grandmother has been suffering from a lot of throat pain for the past week. She has been using cold medicine, but it hasn't worked yet. Can you please suggest a suitable medication...

What are the most effective laxatives for people above the age of 70?

My father is 70 years old and is suffering from severe constipation. He has several medication, which are probably the cause of his condition. But, is there a laxative that can...

Lump in cheekbone under eye

Hi I have a lump in my cheekbone previously been to the dentist no abscess then to the doctor who hadn’t really got a clue what it is but put me on antibiotics it’s two months...

I keep getting boils in my nose. What can I do to treat this?

I am repeatedly getting boils within my nose. They can be extremely painful, however they eventually dry on their own. What could be the cause of these boils and how can I prevent...

What are the first signs of MS?

My father is 50 years old and is in good health given his age, but recently he has been complaining about memory loss and blurry vision. Could it be a sign of MS? What are the...

Why do my feet hurt every time I run?

I have recently started running to lose weight. But every time I run half a mile, I end up with this awful pain in both of my feet, which cuts down my pace. What could be the...

Would a USG help in understanding the cause of my lower abdomen pain?

I am suffering from severe pain in my lower abdomen for the last two days. Should I go for a USG to understand the main cause of this pain?

My X-ray showed a 3mm stone in the right kidney however it was not seen in the following x-ray. Why did this happen?

I took an X-ray one week back which showed a 3 mm stone in the right side kidney. Before the treatment started, a follow up X-ray was taken at the hospital and the stone was not...

Can Blood pressure medicines cause forgetfulness?

I am 57 years old and have recently been put on blood pressure medicine due to my increased blood pressure which has gone to about 150/75. Since the time I have started out my...

Found a lump underneath my armpit and experiencing fatigue and joint pain. Should I get screened?

Around 5 months ago, I suffered from a severe bout of flu which caused terrible weakness in my body. My platelets also dropped drastically and I have a vitamin D deficiency....

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