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What are the most common cancers in children?

I understand that brain tumors and leukemia are common cancers among children, but I'm wondering about any others. What are the most common cancers that you see in children?

Where does lymphoma usually start?

My lymph nodes around my neck are enlarged and I've been really fatigued lately as well. Could these be symptoms of lymphoma? Where does it first start to develop?

How common is leukemia in children?

I've noticed that there are a few children in my area with diagnosed cases of leukemia (I live in a large neighborhood). How common is this cancer in children?

Mouth sores with chemotherapy?

My daughter started to have chemotherapy and not only has she experienced side effects of nausea and hair loss, I also noticed that she has mouth sores. Is this normal? She's...

How is medical marijuana used in the treatment of cancer?

My mother has breast cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy, but she also uses medical marijuana in her treatment as well. How is medical marijuana used in the treatment...

Is constipation normal with chemotherapy?

My grandmother is undergoing chemotherapy for her lung cancer, and now she's dealing with constipation. Is this a common side effect with chemotherapy?

Why does lung cancer develop in non-smokers?

I'm not a smoker, but I was diagnosed with second-stage lung cancer recently and I'm currently being treated with radiation therapy. I do have a family history of lung cancer,...

Why do I have to flush the toilet twice after chemotherapy?

I just started to get chemo for my gallbladder cancer. But my doctor made it a point to say that I should always flush the toilet twice after treatment. I thought this was really...

What are the first signs of cancer in kids?

My son hasn't been himself for over a year. He's been getting sick easily, vomiting, and complains of frequent headaches. He also has a lump on his head; I found it the other...

How aggressive is Ewing sarcoma?

I heard Ewing sarcoma was a rare form of cancer, so I was surprised to hear that my cousin, who's only 16 years old, was diagnosed with it last February. Now she's in chemotherapy....

What does bladder cancer treatment involve?

I'm 35 years old and I'm going to have tests to see whether or not I have bladder cancer. If I do have it, what should I expect from the treatment?

Does an elevated CA-125 indicate cancer?

After a recent blood test, my doctor said that I have a high level of CA-125. I had trouble understanding him while he was explaining what this means for me. Is this actually...

Is radiation therapy recommended for breast cancer?

My friend's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in the 2nd stage, and their family is weighing their options. I know that they're consider radiation therapy over chemotherapy....

Does frequent tanning put me at risk for skin cancer?

I'm 19 years old, and I go tanning a lot. Well, mainly in the winter when I can't go outside to lay out. I go as frequently as once a week. Does this put me at risk for skin...

Should I take my son to the doctor for his mole?

My son has a mole on top of his head, and I'm worried that it could be cancerous. What steps should I be taking to check it out? It doesn't look like it's gotten bigger since...

How quickly does chronic myeloid leukemia spread?

My friend's 35 years old, and was recently diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia. Just last week. How quickly does this cancer usually spread, and what's the treatment for...

What is the treatment for lymphoma?

My aunt was diagnosed with lymphoma last week, and she's going to discuss her options this Friday. What is the usual treatment for lymphoma? She's diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins,...

Gum issues with leukemia?

My friend's son is 10 years old, and he was diagnosed with childhood leukemia. I don't remember what kind. But lately he has been experiencing gum pain. Are gum issues a common...

What causes osteosarcoma in adolescents?

My friend's daughter has osteosarcoma, and she's only 14 years old. What are her chances of survival, and how is this form of cancer caused in teens?

Is chemotherapy effective for lymphoma?

My friend's son is 7 years old, and he was diagnosed with lymphoma. Is chemotherapy an effective treatment for lymphoma?

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