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after taking praziquantel will i noticed worm or have to pull them from body when i poo?

Loose Stool

Every morning a few hours after waking I have a large mushy stool like cow pat with medium urgency. No pain and i've tried numerous probiotics and diets / cutting things out....

Do I have a blockage?

It started as an upset stomach. Now when I eat or drink it feels like it's sitting right below my rib cage. I also turn everything I eat into pure liquid diarrhea. This has...

Related to NAFLD

My mom is 47 years old and her weight is 47 years old. Her fibroscan report showed the median of 15. 1 Kpa. And doctor diagnosed her with NAFLD and asked her to get an endoscopy....

acid reflux and sibo/imo

I have had heartburn and lpr symptoms for 12 weeks now and now diagnosed with sibo/imo and on 40mg ppis once daily and twice daily 400mg per day of cimetidine . This dose is...

Constipated for a long time, stuck my finger up there and felt something unsettling.

I’ve been constipated for quite some time, I tend to spend hours on the toilet to push out a few tiny little stools here n there. Today I stuck my finger up there and felt around,...

Do I have peptic ulcer disease, a gastrinoma or IBD?

30y/o F felt epigastric pain around the end of February and had an abdominal ultrasound which revealed a 0. 2cm gallbladder polyp. I had an endoscopy 3rd wk of March. Findings...

Possible Bowel Obstruction?

I woke up this morning with severe stomach cramping. Thought it was gas so i took two extra strength gas ex which didn't seem to help. i tried a heating pad and ate a crossaint...

Sleeping and eating

Why do people feel sleepy after eating lunch but eating dinner delays sleep?

Hemorrhoid procedure decision

My daughter has seen two different GI drs about her stage 3/4 internal hemorrhoids. One told her to have rubber band ligation procedure and one recommended the laser hemorrhoidoplasty....

Is this some kind of warm in stool?

It might be some kind of rest of food, but im really stressed it's parasite im already diagnosed with pancolitis and some kidney diseases

Is it IBS

It started with constipation last November. I tried metamucil, which didn't seem to work but, on day 2 of taking it (with minimum 8 oz water) I was stricken with crippling stomach...

Should I be concerned?

Hi for the last two days I’ve experienced sharp and achey stomach pain as well as orange watery stool. Gallbladder issues run in my family and I had H Plyori back in September....

What causes severe nausea and vomiting out of no where??

I have been feeling nauseous and vomiting 2-6 times a day everyday for 2 months. Dr did 2 separate pregnancy tests and both were negative. Had normal blood work, normal breath...

Gallbladder is removed, will it affect nutrient absorption?

I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago at 19 years of age. Ever since then I haven’t had issues as a lot of people experience. It’s almost like it wasn’t removed. My thing...

What is wrong with my stomach all of a sudden?

Alcohol use occasionally, Tobacco use no, Marijuana use daily (no it's not from this I get it from a dispensary and never have problems like this, and I've been doing this for...

Mucous in stool

60 year old. Normal colonoscopy 6 1/2 years ago. Normal routine digital rectal exam 2 months ago& neg hemoccult. . Normal abd/pelvic CT 4 months ago. I had a hard stool...

Is this a parasite

Found these two pencil tipped length things in stool. They are hard and look like extremely mini cinnamon sticks

2 different results on celiac blood test

I had a blood test about 5 years ago to check for celiac disease. My results came back high which the doctor said I likely had celiacs but would need a biopsy to be sure. I couldn’t...

Acute pancreatitis

I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis a month ago and was in the hospital for 10 days. I Have some necrotic tissue but the doctors say I’m healing fast and a lot better than...

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