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My son is a different child since the death of his father. What can I do to help him?

My husband passed away 10 months ago, and since then my son has been a different child. He is quiet and withdrawn, and won't open up to anyone, not even a therapist. I really...

Is it possible to treat bipolar disorder without medication?

My son has been living with bipolar disorder for a few years now. We have tried to get him help, but he has had a negative reaction to almost every medication he was prescribed....

My son has a hard time paying attention to instructions, and tells me he feels nervous all the time. Should he be in counseling?

My son is 8 years old, and he has a very hard listening and paying attention when given instructions. More so than just not wanting to listen. He also tells me that he feels...

Why does my mom hear sounds that don't actually exist?

My mother is 78 years old, and she has been complaining of hearing loud sounds. These sounds actually don't exist. What is wrong?

How can I stop nightmares about an event from my childhood?

When I was a child, I was severely bullied. For the past few months, I have been having recurring nightmares about when I was bullied. What can I do to help make these stop?...

Is yoga good for stress?

I have been extremely stressed due to work and going through a divorce. Will yoga will help me deal with my stress better?

Can kidney disease cause depression?

My mother is becoming very depressed and she also suffers from chronic kidney disease. Is it possible for these conditions to be connected? As she is suffering from depression,...

Can a lack of sleep cause depression?

I have not been sleeping well due to a hectic work schedule. Lately I have also been feeling depressed. Could this be related?

How should I comfort my son after his divorce?

My son recently underwent a divorce and is extremely devastated. What is the best way to comfort him?

What is the effect of antidepressants on a baby in the womb?

My wife is taking antidepressants and we have discussed starting a family. I am worried on the impact these medicines can have on the future baby. Is my worry justified?

Is one dependent on anti-depressants for life?

My wife has been on anti-depressants for the last year. Thankfully, they've helped. But will she has to take them for the rest of her life? And is that a bad thing?

I have been shouting in my sleep and having vivid dreams. What is it all about?

For the past week, I have been having vivid dreams of me being chased. I didn't realize until my husband heard me that I have been shouting in my sleep because of them. What...

I am extremely stressed out because I'm under way too much pressure at work. Please help.

I have a very high stress job and I am unable to deal with the pressure and stress. What can I do lower my stress levels?

Why do I feel very depressed during the summer?

I feel extremely low, gloomy and depressed during summer. It happens every year and it really bothers me but I'm not sure what to do about it or how to prevent it.

Can physical illness lead to depression?

My mother in law has multiple health complications and is depressed most of the time. I'm getting a feeling it all goes hand in hand but I'm not sure how we should approach her...

psychosis and nitrous oxide

So I went to the dentist and got my top wisdom teeth removed. I did it with just nitrous and novocaine. I had the worst hallucination. Since I was 13 I thought I had psychosis...

What is the best way to handle sibling rivalry?

My elder daughter is very jealous of my younger one to the extent that she even gets violent and very angry. How can I deal with this? They are 14 and 12.

How do I overcome negativity in my life?

I have accepted that I am a very negative person and feel like everything is hopeless and nothing is worth my time. How do I overcome this feeling for myself?

When is it advised to see a doctor for depression?

I feel like I haven't been acting the same lately. I am feeling miserable at work and my coworker has told me I look disheveled. I feel weird seeking medical help, is it something...

I have been feeling short and irritable lately. Why is this?

I am a 32 year old single parent. Lately I am extremely irritable and also end up shouting too much when I really don't mean it. I regret it immediately afterward. How can I...

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